Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A visit to VIT

In a older post I had said that VIT's position in India Today's ranking was undeserved. Well yesterday I had the chance to go to VIT. My cousin sister had counselling in VIT and my Mama had asked me to come along. What I saw at VIT is divided into 3 parts. The good, the bad and the ugly.

The good
1. The buildings at VIT look absolutely gorgeous from the outside. The library in particular was really well done. I wish we had a library like that (I'm talking just about the building here) in IIIT.
2. A building called the technology tower was also very impressive with it's hanging gardens theme.
3. Canteen Rocks!
4. Sports facilities were pretty good. A tad over-indulgent to be honest.
5. Nice lawns. the walkways have small shades built all over them to escape from the sun which I hear is pretty strong usually.

The Bad
1. During the counselling they totally mis-represented the placements. When I asked for an average for the CS department the answer was it's somewhere between 3 and 5 lpa. When I asked for a number, I was, after a lot of persuasion, given a number of 3.3 Lpa by somebody in the PAT dept.
2. I wanted to go and check out the the CS department. I was stopped by one of the many rude security guards present in the campus. When I insisted he took me to some faculty member who was apparently a prof. He asked me stuff like "why do you want to see the dept.?", "What is the point in speaking to he faculty?" etc... I then walked into the office of the Public relations officer who, scared of me creating a scene told the guard to take me to the CS department. Why would you stop people from checking out departments?
3. There are apparently 500 students in a single batch of computer science. I enquired about this branch coz this is the one my cousin is joining. 500 people! Source P.R.Officer

The ugly

1.In the batch of 500 students 266 seats were offered through counselling and the rest i.e.234 were offered under the management quota. This is shocking. So much so that I confirmed this thrice. Once with the PRO, once with the admissions office and once more with some CS faculty!! Apparently the numbers for ECE and some extent EEE are also rather identical!! For those people who had commented on my blog about VIT offering only 10% seats through donations....People go check you figures. These are shocking proportions to take through management quotas!!
2. After I manged to get into the CS dept. I spoke to some faculty members. I cannot express in words how poor they were. VIT has about 180 faculty members in the CS dept. Of these 3~4 have PhD's the rest of the people have a B.tech/MCA background. I spoke to about 15 faculty members and hardly anyone was capable of carrying out a conversation on any academic lines. I was left speechless at how unbelievable bad there are. I have absolutely no idea of how these people are going to educate students in the art of CS! Here is a part of a conversation I had with 3 faculty members. All 3 were senior lecturers. I will not use names :P

f1: What are doing(as in where are u studying?)
me: sir I'm at IIIT-h. I'm a dual degree student. I'm doing my ms/r part right now.
f1: what is ms/r
me: This means you will get your MS for research work and not coursework. You will have to produce some research work that will form your thesis and after that you need to defend it.(some more explanation about msbr followed)
f2: So you don't do any courses in your final year?
me: yeah pretty much. The focus is on research.
f2: Tch Tch what kind of a PG course is this? You should look at the M.tech course at VIT. We teach our students advanced concepts like software engg and java programming!
f3: so You need to just present a few papers and you get your MS?
me:(utterly shaken state) Yes thats it ...just a few papers(sigh!)

some time later we came to the topic of placements.

f2: we had very good placements this year. M$ , google and yahoo came here.
me: How many people did google hire?
f2: Google didn't hire anybody.
f3: actually google's selection process was wrong. They allowed only computer science people to sit for their written tests and in that written test they asked things that were out of syllabus.
At this point I started to giggle!
f3: Why man ...what is so funny?
me: Nothing sir...I was just thinking how silly these IT companies can be! Asking things out of syllabus is really atrocious :D

There is a lotta more masala where this came from but I shall not write it in respect of those Studying at VIT (which includes my cousin :P)

But on a more serious note what I saw at VIT was the unholy nexus of money and education in it's full fury. While I'm not against institutes charging very high fees, I'm against institutes selling them. Also I have now developed great respect for those who study at VIT and manage to do well with their careers. It's a credit to them to be able to emerge from this mess and do well. I hope my cousin can do the same.

And for India today and all those who campaigned for VIT on one of my previous posts. It is very irresponsible of you to attempt to position VIT as a top class institute ahead of NIT-T,NIT-w and IIIT-h. For those who study there and know the place I'm even more shocked that they would consider lobbying for VIT. With the faculty you have and the method of admissions....all your infrastructure counts for absolutely nothing. I never ever imagined that the faculty would be so so atrociously bad. Good luck to whoever studies there.

PS: This post contains only my opinions and shouldn't be your guide to choosing/rejecting VIT. Go there and check out the place to form a educated opinion.


Anonymous said...

This blog post is outrageous and will attract intense arguments. Better delete it or make it password protected (I dunno if blogger allow so) so that only IIITian can read it. We are good doesn't give us any right to ridicule (or state the bad side) of anyone. You do anything but don't compare institutes unless you are in India Today. This harm the relationship between faculty members (if there are any)

ShArK said...

I have every right to publish my opinions in a dignified manner. India today is not granted any divine powers. The post may have sarcastic overtones but that does not divulge from, what I percieve as glaring misconceptions, present about the institute.

I asked a faculty member "Sir what would be the focus of the second year curriculum?" to which his answer was "go and check it on the website. I'm not here to entertain you" Such misplaced arrogance and misbehaviour is bad. Can you imagine faculty members at other places behaving like this.

This is not a comparison of VIT with IIIT or something. This is my opinion of VIT full stop.

The last time I wrote about VIT I had relied on data available from their web-site. This time I went there, met the faculty and got facts and figures from people at VIT. I would be very interested to debate all this with anybody who disagrees.

I would also like people to see what a mess India today has made with their rankings. This is irresponsible journalism on their part. I know this about VIT. You don't know how many more institutes have been misrepresented by India Today, either good or bad.

Jimmy Narang said...

A very interesting post. Whatever complains (imagined or otherwise) one may have about our institute, compromise on academic quality and integrity can never be one of them.

But I wonder: Say a prospective student visits our campus. What, do you suppose, would she see?

(a) Would the guards let her enter, if she stated quite simply that her purpose was to visit the institute?

(b) Would any of the faculty agree to meet her (without an appointment), and entertain her questions about the college or its curriculum?


I went through the comments on your previous blog. There was, as expected, a lot of crass spewed all over it, which I think you would do well to delete. (more in a mail to you soon). But one excellent, anonymous (why?) post deserves to be quoted again:

"As for IIIT-H, the public profile of the institute (as represented by the not-so-nice website) unfortunately depicts a very small percentage of the research that is conducted there. Course information, which is of a relatively high standard (even compared to many IITs), both in terms of the variety and high-end courses which are offered, is hidden away in the intranet. Public perception of the institute will not improve unless the institutes talks of what it does."

Anonymous said...

Google idiots!!! they wont take ECE people :P

and lol@ out of syllabus ... damn google :))

lsdkf said...

lol@ f1, f2, f3

Shashank said...

VIT is like a tier 4 institute and people only throng it due its brand name [People just know that the institute exists thats it]. Its better than the other chennai and andhra engineering colleges and hence people just flock to it.

@Rohith: Thats why its the Worlds No. 1 Software company.

ShArK said...


This was not yet another day at VIT. It was a day of counselling. If we were to have counselling at IIIT, then yes I think the security guards would be following different policies on the movement of people.

I would totally understand a faculty member telling me he is busy and so not available to answer my queries.
In this case the concerned faculty member was loitering(:D) around near the staff room! (Yes they have staff rooms like we had for teachers in school!) I was pissed with the arrogance they carry in their tones.

The quoted comment is indeed excellent and very correct.

I will wait for your mail :)

I agree with jags's comment on ECE. You pathetic diploma fellows :P

Also there was some other faculty member who claims to do extensive research work in computer graphics and image processing but had never heard of CVIT or PJN or Jawahar or Jayanti! Beat that!

Anonymous said...

forwarded the link to VIT friends waiting for reply :P

ShArK said...


I would have just one thing to say to those people in VIT who feel aggrevated by my post. I would welcome you to show me a side of VIT that you feel, I have missed out on seeing in my maiden trip there. Do this not through rhetoric, but by showing me in person what VIT is about. I will also reciprocate by showing you what IIIT has to offer should you choose to visit.

Cheers :)

CrazyFrog said...

about d no. of students thing, 500 is a large number for a branch... its actually aroung 320 for cse and ece branches... out of which 266 are from counselling and rest nri/management quota... 500 is totally crap..

about d avg placement fig, it was 3.9lacs pa last year.... microsoft n yahoo recruited 1 and 3 students respectively with around 8lacs(yahoo) and 9.2(ms)... google didnt take any.... thats true...

80 faculty in cs dept??? totally wrong... as per d last yr figures, we have around 120 faculty in cs dept out of which more than 40 are PHDs...

3rd years and above are mostly taught by PHDs.... only 2nd years are taught by senior lecturers and lecturers teach mostly comp. sc subjects in other depts and first yrs....

about d infrastructure, VIT is reallly cool at dat n i think no other coll in india can beat dat....

about d india today ranking, i think that VIT shud not deserve 10th but within 15th... NIT-w, nit-t and iiit-h shud b above.
one can't visit VIT and giv a statement abt it in 1 day... VIT is accredited by IET, UK.. no other coll in india is.... VIT is trying 4 the ABET accreditation also....(its American Board of Engg Tech), and VIT might get it by end of this yr...

abt placements, VIT had a total more than 2500 placements last yr (including consortium)...
consortium is established in which nearby college students can also apply for placements thru VIT PAT Centre.... we had around 600 consortium placements last yr...

this year, TCS had come and it placed 1075 students... TCS set a world record with this by selecting max students from a single institute by any company in the world...

CTS came next and placed 138 students.. Wipro, Infosys, Keane, Accenture, etc... are to come next... Dream companies have also start coming... .Ashok Leyland is coming on 19th... Lister Technologies is coming on 21st....

Many other MNCs also visit VIT for placements... Last year more than 140 companies visited VIT for placements...

Sankalp said...

A shame, really... this proves beyond doubt that India Today rankings are a big farce, and that someone there must've received a fat paycheck from VIT!!

Way 2 go IIIT-H !!!

Anonymous said...

hey u noted thr have a new college in DATA QUEST magazine which r not exist just before iiit Hyderabad ranking, its IIIT Chennai. :D :D :P

Vibhav's View said...

no one can miss to reading this post!but its really a motivating post. it can encourage such discussions.
I would like to meet two persons from your post, one who claims to do extensive research in computer graphix, does not know anything about pjn sir or cvit...
otherone who offered you to look at the M.Tech. course at VIT and had no idea about the msbr. Anyways, rishabh you will meet such people not now only but when you will apply for your placements also. technical people will ask you craps like c++ not about the information security! :D

Anonymous said...

nice post re.. vry funny!

ShArK said...


As I had said earlier, change my mind by showing me a side of VIT I have not seen, not rhetorical satements.

You PRO told me about the 500 batch strength. Maybe older batches have fewer people. But they definately have different plans this year.

As far as faculty goes, the numbers were given to me by a member of the dept. of CS. But that's not the point. The point is how bad they are. Do you think students being taught by incompetent staff for the first two years is good? I would be very happy to see a list of 40 PhD's who are faculty members at the CS dept. along with where they got their PhD's from.

This is not about placements. This post is about highlighting the standard of academics.

and TRUST ME, you don't wanna go around telling people that TCS took a 1000 people from your college! trust me!

JAI said...

common man, do we need to compare IIIT with a business empire.. with the faculty and talented students we. have India today has surely proved that they are taking money for each line published. absolutely miss guiding ppl, i think next year they will make VIT ahead of MIT :P

Anonymous said...

jai what do u mean by MIT , mamu institute of technology. LOL

Unknown said...

i am a student of vit............yes i agree that the intake is pretty high....i am from the eee dept
here are our faculty qualifications...(the faculty i encounter with)
dean.....kk ray...ex iitk prof
eng. maths....ravikanth.....phd from nit warangal
electronics......kk ray(dean)
eng material....ramesh...phd from anna
i dont think the faculty are that bad!!!!!!!!!!antway i dont belong to computer dept........its true the security is too harsh but not the faculty as one complaint can throw them out of coll....
last year eee strenght was 181.........out 0k which 160 are through councelling

ShArK said...

My friend I'm speaking about your faculty as a whole. They are pretty poor. You may have one or two qualified people but they are not going to teach every class of every course to an entire batch.

Anonymous said...

I came into this blog from elsewhere and read the comments about VIT. Also read the rather depressing news about IITs in Times of India today:


I went to the VIT website and gathered that they have a School of CS with 3 depts: CSE, IT and Computer Applications with a total of 139 faculty with 11 Ph.D.s. Its possible the website is not upto date though the (80/4) numbers for CSE seems realistic against this total for the School of CS.

I am not at all suprised with very few PhDs in the faculty at VIT.
W/out going into the debate as to how good VIT is, I feel this is a harbinger of things to come.
We will have 16 IITs up and running by next year and 20 new IITs on the block i.e. a doomsday
scenario of Vision 2010: 16 IITs and 26 IIITs. No one has thought about who will teach there.

With average faculty salaries being of the order of average B.Tech starting salaries (with a much slower growth rate), and excellent opportunities in the IT industry for Ph.D.s today, in a
stable state scanario, we need to get used to IT institutions (or CS depts) with few Ph.D.s and
lots of B.Techs/M.Techs as faculty. The existing IITs and institutions like IIIT-H with
excellent faculty may be able to survive but the new ones are headed for disaster even before
they start.

On the other hand there, the sad part is a severe manpower shortage that the IT industry will face
(read NASSCOM/ASSOCHAM reports), and these institutes are really required. Unfortunately those
who run Govt./private institutions seem to be only worried about getting physical infrastructure
in place.

Former IIT-an from IT industry

Anonymous said...

kiddish .. complaining .. targeting a college and creating romors .. u suck ultimately dude ..

Unknown said...

I'm a 2008 passed out stdnt of VIT frm Mech Dept. I do agree that the intake is high. And regarding the faculty issue..one can never generalize and judge that faculty r the worst part. Its the case with School of Computing Sciences...not for the other schools. The faculty may not be good not the infrastructure and facilities...!! O still believe that VIT provides excellent infrastructure for an undergraduate. Its the student who need to make use of all such thngs. VIT subscribes for the entire journals of SAE, IEEE and Science direct...!!! Does any one know it?? coming to the placements also...its again n the capability of the student that he'll be inducted into...!! well in my case I was placed in Mahindra and HCL Technologies..!! But I'm leaving them and going to pursue MS-Automotive Engg at Clemson University...and I want to tell u..No one frm VIT came out of the US consulate without a Visa...!!! Its the students view thats important..!!

Animesh said...

I came to your post from a comment on the nanopolitan blog. Great post!

I love the candid nature of your review, as well as the disclaimer that these are reports from a particular encounter and your personal opinions. Good job!

I esp. loved the part about "out of syllabus" questions from Google :). It is amazing how they do not take it as a sign of the need to change the syllabus, but a sign of Google's incompetence.

I wish more like you posted honest and candid reports like these. It would keep the administration of all colleges on their toes.


lalai dama said...

hey people ..
pretty messed up here ..
I'm a VITan and in CS ..
and Mr.Shark , what you need to understand is that , for sustainability , in terms of the kinds of infrastructure VIT maintains , it will need to continue to take students in management quota for sometime .. remember , unlike you people , the government doesn't give us a penny .. so , management quota will go on for sometime and in good numbers .. this number will mean some compromise on the quality ( rich management kids , who just need a degree , are definitely not the ideal students ) .. but still , its a small price to pay for a few years , for the kind of infrastructure we have , and is being developed ..
now , u talk about the quality of professors/lecturers in VIT .. we do have good profs man .. and well , only from , say last 4 years we've been having pretty decently experienced profs from IITs, NITs and other reputed universities , shifting over to VIT .. in good numbers .. And the numbers are increasing .. meaning , people are realizing that VIT is a good place and recognizing it .. And now , the 10th rank ( which you think is bogus .. you should go through the criteria India Today considers , and then , reconsider your thoughts ) will only make other good profs curious and i am sure more will come join VIT ..
at this point i would like to quote Madhavan from RDB , " koi desh acha nahi hota ... use behtar banana padta hai "
or say ,
" koi college acha nahi hota .. use behtar banana padta hai " ..

Relating , VIT is in the process of making itself better .. better people are coming to VIT ( professors ) .. no doubt about that ..
i know my friends in EEE department , who've applied for a patent .. few of my friends have been to foreign universities as guests .. there is some serious work being done on neural networks .. nano-technology is being researched in a big way in VIT ..
the point i am trying to put across is , not everyone is no-good at VIT , as seems the general belief among you people ..
u talk of having met one group of faculty members who offended you .. well may be you met the worst group .. who knows ?
and to highlight it more , i have 2 friends in IIIT-hyd , who over the last 2 years, have asked me the kinda projects i am doing and the stuff my friends and me were learning and were amazed sometimes .. at some point , through the questions they asked me , i did feel that it was sad that people from IIIT-hyd were asking me such stuff and they had no idea about such simple things .. that dint obviously mean all of IIIT was crap .. did it ?
and i never went propaganding bad about IIIT .. grow up dude ..
may be if i had talked to you first , my opinion about IIIT would have been different .. may be ..
and then , lets see , everything Indian is bad to you .. you consider getting into TCS ( 10th largest and fastest growing IT company in the world , most importantly , its INDIAN ) in large numbers as a shame , you think the largest read Indian magazine ,India Today's ratings are biased ..
then , you must be pretty trustful of the foreigners , right ?
why don't you ask IET and DNV why they accredited us or ABET , why it is going to ? why don't you ask the plethora of Chinese students at VIT , why they choose VIT over other Indian universities ?

macha, your basic worry is about the faculty .. and at VIT , it is a mixture of good & bad as of now , surely not at all as bad as you depict it and is definitely getting better , attracting good teaching talent from all over the country ..
you walked into the bad group ..
and had a particularly frustrated watchman to deal with .. i am sure ..

bottom line , VIT is a good place to study , is self made , has grown by leaps n bounds and getting better by the day , and the world has recognized that , so should you ..

Anonymous said...

you have every right to express your opinions but how can we trust Mr. SHARK to be authentic and not some jobless freak waiting to attract attention from controversial topics.Mr.SHARK TALE why dont you concentrate on ur research...maybe u will gain more out of it...leave bitching about other colleges to ppl who have a complex from VIT. (or is that the reason) By the way who are u to judge VIT...leave it to the experts.We dont loiter around ur colg trying to pick out the GOOD ,BAD and the UGLY....(most of it is UGLY anyways).are u a reporter or something....ya phir taang ladane ka kuch zyaada hi shauk hai? "what is the focus of second year curriculum"....kyun bhai book likhani hai kya?..why dont u leave it to ur sis to do this all as her homework. If u loiter around asking such questions..who will entertain you???leave that which gaurd wont think of u as a reporter searching for gossip?? BY THE WAY WE HAVE A STRICT RULE OF NOT ENTERING THE MAIN BUILDING WITHOUT AN ID CARD.which u werent aware of i guess.

If the infrastructure is as such that it can support more ppl then why not increase the intake? what is the harm?...be it management quota or ranking basis...everyone will have the same workload... and in the end they all get placed.....which isnt because of VIT...the companies readily take them. And why shudnt VITIANS be proud of the 1075 intake from TCS?....it means VITIANS bagged jobs from ppl from other colg. if TCS considers ok we shud take more from VIT as it has brilliant students and leave some ppl from other colleges then why not be proud of that fact?
AND MR.SHARK dont ur teachers have staff rooms? SORRY but every teacher has being given his own private space and a laptop by VIT....
u sound so surprised by the concept of staff rooms that i wonder if ur teachers gather around unnder a tree after every class.

Leave it...its a never ending topic.... but as a student representative of Computer Science Department of VIT i would like to say that u remove this crap immediately before some unwanted action takes place.Why create unneccesary problems for u and ur sister?AND as a warning dont include ur sis in this bullshit if u dont wanna ruin her chances of studying in VIT.We have a strict rule against ppl who badmouth this college...

Aseem said...

dude...just tell me one simple thing..y dint u tell ur sis nt 2 study in vit after all this???...

ShArK said...

@ all those entusiastic people who left their comments:

I have written about the dept.of computer science only. I have clearly mentioned that as well. You may have "fantastic infrastructure" and "faculty from IIT's and NIT's" in other departments, so good for you.

The point of this post was to highlight the way the CS dept. is being run. Some people might think I'm wrong, but I am entitled to my opinion. For those doubting the credibility of my post...I never asked you to consider this to be the whole truth or the exact picture. Go and visit VIT to form your own eduacated opinion. I just gave my 2 cents on a particular department of VIT. The same need not apply to all other departments.

Unknown said...

rishABH concentrate on ur research instead of vistin other colleges..
god knows doin dis u'll have 2 stay all ur life in iiit-h doin ur hyped up MS research..
n i pity u dat u cud not convince ur cousin sis not 2 join dis coll n den u try 2 convince da whole world..
a single visit is not enough 2 generalise ne damm thing on dis planet..

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. shark...
reagarding whatever u wrote here... i can only say that its just partly correct. u cannot judge an institute by taking to a single faculty in a single day... n u dint even spent a single day... i m studying there n i know and people who are there know why VIT is growing.. lemme tell u the intale which u were talking about...
ya the intake is high..
But still u dint report it correctly...
we have 360 students from the CS dept. n ECE...
out of which 230 are from merit list n rest thru management and NRI quota...
well the reason is very simple... VIT provides us with such great facilities .. u have already admired them... n look at its fee structure and compare with other colleges,,, do u know that the annual tuition fees of BITS pilani is 52000 Rs. approx.... n that of VIT is 55000 Rs. a difference of 3 thousand... n then u compare the infrastructure facilities between the two..
my friends who studies in BITS was shocked to see the beauty of the campus at VIT... now when the fees is low n the facilities are high... the faculties are paid high then who do you expect to bear the expenditure....is the money needed to maintain such a campus goin to grow on trees,,,..?????
n the intake is really not a issue.... there are amall batches of 60 students...so its never going to pamper the prospects of a gud student....
besides there are many more opportunities in the college....
i dont think you should make a statement so early without knowing about the college and the people....

its too early for u to comment my dear friend...

u have right to publish ur opinion ... no doubt abt it... but enquire first... enquire well....
dont just judge out on basis of anything falling under jealousy or other stufs after looking at the life at VIT.....

take care buddy... n remember my words....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ShArK said...

@the above anon

Use of abusive language will result in deletion of you comment. Post clean comments.

Anonymous said...

More than a dose of intelligent criticism this feels to be a childish outburst over an inane fact that VIT has been placed at 10 and IIIT-h at 14th... Get a life dude. COncentrate on your reasearch. Ppl have brains to think for themselves. And all the best to your cousin. !!!

Anonymous said...

Be a sharp critic dude than a masala blogger. Just as you lest no stone unturned in throwing the spotlight on the so called BAD, UGLY portions of VIT, i wish you had spent some thoughtful moments on accentuating the GOOD, the BETTER nd the BEST parts too. I wish u should have enquired about the books, the journals, the facilities in the splendid library. I wish you should have tasted the food in our messes which is better than that of the most of NORTH INDIAN colleges. But you did not !! That what seperates a critic from an obnoxious blog maker. This is a sad blog whose nascency lies in a feckless ranking. Every college is not just about mown lawns, placements, books and research buddy. It's about an exchange of culture, a bubbling soceity that so vividly is seen in VIT. The myriad foreigners studying here with us have brewn a wonderful cosmopolitan culture. And i agree with some of the posts that even while damning VIT u did not get your facts right. Anyways, all the best for your research. But first you need to search few essentials of blog making man !!

ShArK said...

This post says only 2 things.

1. the faculty in the dept. of CS is not good and the intake is too high which in my view is a compromise with academics

2. You take a lot of people through management quota which is a compromise of integrity.

People, who I guess are from VIT, have left passionate comments that deal with every other thing on the face of the planet apart from these two. I request people to leave future comments that address these issues only and not list out all the journals that VIT subscribes to , how the mess food tastes and how you have a cosmopolotain culture courtesy of the foreigners studying at VIT.

shreyans_S.n.o.W{0_o} said...

dude!! no offense but ur views are not fully correct!! i study here and let me tell you that many teachers are excellent in knowledge background,, dun no who u met?, well and apart from academics sports and digital gaming is also there, and let me tell u it is very good! the best time is whn u spend with ur friends! making niteouts or going out in that not so good , but still , theatre, u cannot jugje it as u r not a part of it,,and we have 1 of the best chancellors who has an amazing vision 4 VIT and does evrything possibe!! u knw every week there are international lecturs and student councils keep organising events u can never even think of in IIIT, i know manysenoirs in cs dept whose knowledgle may even be more than u can actually imagine!the superb efforts from student councils and chancellor and the staff,, and the friends here make life beatiful!!nt ever2 can understand,, u see

Anonymous said...

This comment from rama may seal the discussion

"Read your first line. You were not talking about the ranking of CS department. You were talking about VIT's rankings and to portray that it is thoroughly undeserved you gave the CS department as an example."

ShArK said...

@ the last anon guy

I said that VIT did not deserve it's ranking. the computer science department is a case in point.

Anonymous said...

hi shark gr8 job can u imagine i left nit bhopal and dhirubhai for that crap college i am still in better position as i am in mechanical but some ppl are really sad anyways gr8 job good thing is my brother is comming to iiit hyderbad in ur college hope he enjoys

Anonymous said...

Well I Think...If the conversation posted is really true...then the questions raised by those faculties is pretty cheap and outrageous... I dint expected that the professors of the VIT as well are indulged into the CHEAP Publicity like the management does..by saying we teach so and so subjects..(java, software engg. ..LOL) and thereby also behaving like the idiots studying in VIT...who always try to act smart as if they are studying in MIT or something.....(Google..out of syllabus...hahahahahaha) Good Work...dude.....

Yuvraj said...

dude, who the hell do you think you're to blow your brains on vit, eh? I am a present student of VIT Univ, and to tell u the truth i am very much in love with this institute.

Tell me one thing, which other institute in the WORLD has the following figures - 1075 placed in the first round of placement, all in the same company and all of them having a starting salary of 3.15 pa??? Name me one institue??

One more thing, i know the fact that VIT takes in a lot of students, but how do you explain the fact that all of the students are placed?? If not on their own?? In my opinion education is when you learn something from somewhere in whatever circumstances they may be. People from VIT do excel everywhere. How would they've been placed in this competitive world if not their own competance?? How do you explain that??

You should first see what you're talking about and then talk looking at the circumstances.

Never ever think of talking more rubbish without seeing the internal facts. I m sure, if u were here, you'd not even pass once. Just look at you. Talking as if you're the best. Ha.. HA HA

Anonymous said...

hey man ... no matter wat u say ... india today is not some yet another magzine it has some credibility and atleast some circulation ... of your college or any other college had that much lobby or quality, they would have done the same ...
Bro m neither an engineer nor belong to some technical college, but still i know about vit. And while i was goin through your blog wat i can see is just plain hatred and jealously against this college.
It could be coz your couzin was able to get in it or watever.

But stop such propagenda , in da end your own cousin is goin to be a part of this institute.

be a sport and accept if u r nothing. And work hard, so that some day u'll be superior in sme stature than ur younger brother.

Cheerssss :)

Anonymous said...

See all faculties suck everywhere...leaving aside say a few...ask any IITians NIT IIIT or VIT whereever man... and as far as the research scenario is concerned...where is it in happening in India....dude no where...I have seen people do projects in IIT that are so called research is a mere amalgamation of various IEEE papers combined. In India, As far as any college is considered, be it IIT or whereever (and not taking anything away from the students there), the create Professionals not researchers, so dont fight in the sacred name of research and as far as VIT is considered, there faculties are dumb as they come, NIT's and IIIT's are no better. Show me one piece of significant research work done by any faculty there (CSE departement) .. i mean Significant not some bull crap ..

Anonymous said...

And ya shark good work, You saw the obvious side of every college, so you are no better than any of those VIT fools, if you had any freaking brains you would have seen something else, My advice !!! studies in CSE in India suck (research wise , I knw we are the big freaking IT country ) go to some college in poland you would find better developers there, I have seen stupid Library Sciences code better, so just chill relax and wasting time here, go do some coding or do some real work guys. I am doing the same as you, but someone has to piper you guys...

ps: i am the guy who wrote the last comment. and if you need help mail me mark.gibson7@gmail.com

Satish said...

hi everyone
to the incredible "shark"(what else can i call him , when he is doing his MS and still doesn't know that , you should take some time to get hold of things). and to the cowardly anonymous bloggers in the comments , and to everyone else
well i am a student of VIT and i should say i agree upon a few things ....

--> the student strength is too much
--> a lot of them through management which is bad
--> faculty is bad in general and especially CS , with a few exceptions which most of my friends have already mentioned above.
--> IIT-h is a well accredited and may be a better place
but SHARK here is what u missed , ...
don ever go at the ""Quality"" analysis of the institute , bcos u are going to be shocked in a head on .
And this is for Jai(http://www.blogger.com/profile/08665985598944648844), this is what he said , :
common man, do we need to compare IIIT with a business empire.. with the faculty and talented students we. have
it does not the f****** matter what u have , don just speak , come let us have a duel and lets see, .... and man for your kind information , students at VIT are not some cheap 3 grade students , mind your expression . Yeh i agree it might be a Business empire , but still we are given all we need to flourish , facilities (even girls) , .... and don come to conclusions that you are better , there is talent which u can not even imagine ,.....

People go get a job , lets end this flaming session here , for gods sake, ... people who believe they are greatest ones will be the one's going down ,. .... after all everyone knows the tortoise and rabbit tale right ???

ShArK said...

@ satish

Thank you for agreeing to what this post is about.

Also would you care to explain this part of your comment " but still we are given all we need to flourish , facilities (even girls) , ...." What exactly does "Facilities(even girls)" mean?

Satish said...

well that was supposed to be a joke, .... if u can't understand that i can't help , it , ....... u should have stayed a little longer at VIT and i bet u would have noticed the GALS also , .... :),
well and ya , its not about agreeing to the post , its about accepting the facts, .........

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Satish said...

but u have a great blog running , in the view of the content that is here , ... but as a suggestion take it from me , ... though u have the freedom to express yourself , such things wont take u anywhere , ... and the other day someone searches for you on google , these are the things that are going to show up first ....... (curse google's inability to judge good from bad, it only goes by popularity )........

ShArK said...

@ somebody who claims to be "mera baap" sorry buddy abusive language not allowed!

@ satish

See all I said was that the faculty is not good, management quota is bad and that you have too many people per batch. I don't know why people interpret it as anytihng else. i never said students at VIT are bad or stupid or anything. Why don't people get that!

Satish said...

well shark , u might not have said that , but many others have added themselves as superiors, ... chill man , ..... forget it , this is not going to change anything ..... we should all come to a greated viewpoint , ... Education in india on a whole is on a low ride !!!!
no more comments .....

penguinfoot said...

Dude , nothing offensive but r u kinda MAD about VIT !! ?? ... seriously, the way u presented the post looks like that only !! ...
Well i would have liked the post if u have added some optimistic ingredients to it ! ... not to mention about the faculty ... i know a person who did her M.Tech and is a faculty there ... she is one of my fav faculty there and well i think she has that "Knowledge Radiance" mentioned by HON Abdul Kalam in his Ignited Minds. and its not just about the faculty ... its even not about placement ... its about growth !!
And I can proudly say that i have prospered a lot after going to VIT (I am a student of VIT) had some very awesome friends and above all i am enjoying my life to the fullest !! ... well ... then again , its not about me either !! .. :P
about VIT , i can tell one thing ... its JUST another college !! ... there are as equal chances to grow as are the chances to fall AND it is just another engg coll with GOOD infrastructure. Anywyaz, ur post is quite good, i liked the way u presented it and had a nice laugh also !!

Anonymous said...


Great flaming going on here!

Let us forget about ranking for once. The scenario is the same even in the US. I can actually point you guys to reports which place random State Universities above MIT. So, if you think VIT deserves nth spot or not, you might as well kiss my a$$.

I just went through your CS Dept profile. There are only 7 PhDs/51 full time faculty members! Holy cow, man! That is too low. I can imagine the research outcome from the university.

I see there are some people who think India is lagging far behind when it comes to CS research. I agree but there are some universities which have great faculty and research labs (IITs, IIIT-H etc.). I am pretty sure it is not VIT.

Personally, I think the first thing that you should look at when you choose/consider a university is the faculty, research exposure and laboratories; not placements, food or chicks! VIT lacks in 2/3 areas.

And what kind of website do you guys have which works only in IE. ROFL!

Anonymous said...

And this is about your famed biotech/nanotech program.

There is a person I know, who took biotech at VIT and spent one year in some random Australian university as part of the BTech program. You know what he's doing now? Working in the IT industry!!

The so-called *best* biotech program in the country could not provide him enough expertise for a career in biotechnology; whereas my girlfriend's who did her masters in biology from Presidency College, Kolkatta, has now landed a corporate biotech job in UK.

Kittos said...


Just 3 days gone and this much heat. hehe..

Umm, before I post my view I promise to try and understand all facts and feelings of people who have given their comments, then and only then give mine. And oh! btw I am yet another student of VIT and from the School of Computing Sciences(2004-2008).

Well, I still have to study the entire page again properly. So it will take me some time to post my detailed review on this topic. Meanwhile, I’ll comment a few things that I noticed.

For all those people who got aggravated and left not-so-decent comments, please pump in more blood into your bloodstream before the pumped up ADRENALINE rushes to it. This goes even for those from VIT who boasted about our college with the facts and figures, which was not at all necessary at this stage. You only leave behind an even more provoked blogger. The act by people who have simply sweared it all out is immature and hilarious to some extent too.

And as for you, Mr. SHARK, as pointed out by a few people in the above comments, that was really childish of you to write such strong words against a good institution. I really feel you made your decisions in a hurry. Bad for you!!

I could, even though all these are in writing/typing, easily sense you not being able to reply to the MARVELOUSLY JUST comments by the serious commenters. See now what position you are in! You must’ve also realized that you weren’t completely wise in writing this blog, but now you need to defend your point no matter what. Who knows maybe you’ll change your so-called CASE POINT too as time proceeds.

Hey Mr. SHARK, please don’t think that I am posting this just to bad-mouth you in a more (so-called) civilized manner. FYI, I believe with your encounter with security man and faculty stories (coz even we, the students of VIT, have had many such cases). But that really doesn’t prove your TWO POINTS either.

Earlier you made an unwisely strong comment against VIT as a whole and later switching your "CASE" to only the SCS. Hehe. Totally foolish!! (And very well pointed out by Rama)

I don’t criticize you for you criticizing a college, but I strongly feel that you should have also done your homework before posting anything. I guess the adrenaline rushed up faster in you too like the rest of the aggravated commenters.

Take care. If possible I’ll post an even more detailed review of this topic later. Hehehe LOLZZ

Anonymous said...

heyy...m a student of vit...and u wanna srly have a problem wit our coll good for u...if u dun wanna study here dun..just for ur information...u have got all the figures wrong...the no of students..the microsoft,google thing...so next time u wanna complain at least oh please atleast try and get data write....sice u are doing "research",...research ur facts first....

Anonymous said...

@ Shark.If u are so much upset about VIT reputation than why your cousin have taken admission , why can't she study in IIIT-H or any other college in Andhra.that means andhra does not have good college and faculty. VIT faculty are Highly respectable and Educated.

ankit mittal said...

mr..first of tell me what u know about VIT .you are been there only for 4-5 hours and commented a post.you are telling 500 students in cse,do you know the placement percentage of cse students it is 100% for eligible students,well for the yahoo microsoft they have hired 3 and 1 student respectively.you tell how many from iiit-h microsoft hired in the previous year.most of the students of cse are having 1 job and other dream offers from big it companies with package of above 5 lac.from vit last year 789 students are hired by TCS ,nearly 240 by CTS,55 by IBM,around 12 by ORACLE,and above 100 companies came ,there are no students in vit to sit in those companies because all are placed,
first check the record and figures in all respect of VIT and than dare to comment anything about VIT,
and about faculties you have written 2-3 phd's it is crab. we have more than 40 phd's in cse department,and the professors who are of international standards,there 100's of papers are in international journals, first go and undersatnd them if u can and than dare to write any thing about vit-cse department.
you are from iiit-h unbeleviable because you are writing without knowing anything first collect figures,do some labour about vit standards its recognition and its international status than you will come to know what is VIT and why its is above in ranking than IIIT.

Unknown said...

What i dont get is how can you judge an entire institution based on how a couple(1 or 2 more) of people there spoke to you? IIIT-H taught you these inference skills? if thats the case i am even more happy now to be a part of VIT which has taught me very well, i must say, about how not to jump to conclusions from certain irrelevant and circumstantial situations . Cheers

Unknown said...

We know how our college is.... we dont need other ppl to tell us.... we have been in this college for four years and i know that we know the good,bad and the ugly better than Mr.SHARK here.
SO i would request VITIANS to stop giving this SHARK any more importance and to take whatever has been said in this blog in a proper way(cause any publicity is good publicity :) )....who knows this guy might make the VIT site the most visited site this month and maybe the next..
AND MR.SHARK thank u for ur comments....maybe u can study and become a professor at VIT...and remove all what u didnt like... if u have the right to voice ur opinions -act towards it too...after all thats what makes a good citizen.

Anonymous said...

@VITiians ROFL :) If u don't care why r replying and yh placement is really gr8 TCS and CTS taking all the genuises :P

@Shark Man u have just located VIT on map of INDIA. VIT will always thank you for that and the google thing was damn funny IDIOTIC Google :P !!!! :P

Anonymous said...

You have brought out something that VIT has been covering up for quite some years. The quality of the faculty is absolutely bad. And the cheap security guards do the job just to pass their time.

I seriously appreciate the efforts you've put in to write this blog and make nice note of the smallest thing.

Keep going !

Anurag said...

@ankit ..grt .yahoo recruited 3 students from VIT n microsoft 1 ..seriously grt.. jst incredible..n i suggest u one thing ..don dare to ask placements stats from ne of IIITian ..bcos here GOOGLE dont ask questions out of syllabus :P :P..oderwise may b u wil hav to delete ur comment :P

Anonymous said...

Hey its all happening here...IIIT, VIT, IIT......fighting on such topics.

I just bumped to this post...and read lots of them.

I am from neither IIT, VIT or IIIT. My views are neutral.

But I would say just one thing: I can see super dose of arrogance among some IIIT (and some IIT )students

..studying in IIIT doen't give you moral right to point fingers at other institutes like VIT or magazines like india today. You are no CBI or supreme court judge to give your standing from just one incidence and just because you were put below them in rankings.

And as long as management quotas are concerned, I think that as long as univ is not taking money behind backs....and is clearly mentioning on websites/brochure....how can you say its shocking or unauthentic? And were mukesh and anil ambani or say other rich celebrities who studied from top notch graduate schools of the world were born geniuses....It was influence of money that got them there...

What all faculty does is guide you....more or less....its students who are responsible for themselves and how they fair academically.
And yes....I particularly liked what all "lalai dama said...".

Its said but true....that money can buy anything. Corruption is everywhere..........and who knows....how authentically admission/exams are conducted at IIIT ot IIT???

Its the students who make or break an institute. And by doing all this....by telling that VIT/magazine is good bad and ugly ...and blah blah.....you are bringing bad name to IIIT and IIT's. You could have brought out this topic in a very postive way......you made a mess of it ;(.

Grow up people.....
You guys are among the best minds in country. Use it for the betterment of the country.And better judge yourself first then judging others.

sid said...

well just because you ended up with a one-off professor does not mean that everyone there is like that.. true in vit too many students are taken in and all that but your personal experience with one teacher cannot determine everything about the institution...
i dont think getting a good carrier from vit will be that difficult.. the course is good MOST of the prof are good and it you are lucky then a good placement for you.. which is atleast better than most of the other private institutions!!

Anonymous said...

True to a spot! Lucid and crystal clear

Anonymous said...

Rishab boss u are really jealous of our institution.Probably u didn`t got that much from where u did ur dual degree and u r jealous of what we are and what ur sis is going to get.
We people in our VIT are proud that our honorable Chancellor has made a wonderful collage and we are students in that great institution.
If u find any problem in our faculties then u come and be a faculty and teach us.
Look posting comments is so easy but u don have that guts to rectify those problems.
what u expect guards will take u to library and he will show u we this books and u want them to ask u "what can i get for u?".
common yaar grow up.
ok don worry ur sis will be placed.
God bless u.
Take care
Debanjan Chakraborty

Anonymous said...

I m a student of vit n wat u sait is totally wrong...u hav no right to disrepute our institute lyk dat..the highest placement of CSE dep has been 11.2 l n wid microsoft...u dont xpect d guards 2 keep a track of d placement records of d college!!! i agree IIIT hyderabad is vry gud institute bt dat doesnt giv u any right 2 make fun of VIT...we r d students of vit n we know wat goes on here...n they simply cant allow any person 2 come n visit d PAT offices...n y wud any faculty entertain any person's quey abt d college's curriculum??
u sound lyk a sensible person to me...bt it wud be better if u stop doing such insensible things as disreputing a well known college...

Anonymous said...

He he.. While reading the post.. I was thinking, this is some funny thing but after reading the comments this is becoming more n more funny... :)
There are a few things in the comments which attracted my attention..
There are a few ppl on whose comments I would like to comment...
Avinash says with great pride that VIT subscribes for IEEE and then he asks does anyone know it.. If he is asking does anyone know IEEE.. then no comments and if he is wondering if anyone knows about the subscripiton, then comeon man you can't go on saying so "big" things on places like blogs.. They should be advertised on TV...
lalai dama says desha behatar banana padta hai.. and many others say the same thing that under the leadership of our dear beloved Chancellor, the college is becoming better....I agree and hope there are great efforts going on in your college but Rishab's point was the ranking is not justified and you sure must be striving to reach there but I certainly don't think you are there still and more so after reading this post which is by a guy I know personally and would trust him more than some crappy magazine..

Rama I think is talking about short duration, from the info I could get about VIT from wikipedia, It says that it was established in 1984, now my friend I don't think that almost 25 years is a short time, if you compare it with 10 yrs for IIIT... I know its young when compared to IITs and all but 25 is not young for sure..

Somebody was saying that faculty is the same everywhere.. many are not PhDs, I would request you to check something here.. http://iiit.net/faculty/faculty.php
and count the % of PhDs. Actually for us a prof without a PhD seems a very alien concept!!!

I know I am flaming and lengthening the chain of comments.. but hell!! Its fun!! Flaming on blog after so much time!!!
Btw one thing I would like to say is VIT ppl have some spirit, whenever anything is written about them they come in hordes blasting the author.. Guess I should also write something about VIT ti increase my blog hits..
VIT guys.. are you with me???

Anonymous said...

hey sharky... with all due respect to your freedom to voice your opinion or your intention of a publicity stunt i m afraid you got it quite wrong this time... anyway

i see there have been a lot of passionate vitians defending our college.. even i am one of them but i would like to present an honest view...

i m a student of vit and very much at the heart of the cs dept and what you have mentioned about vit does not surprise me... except about the intake.. which i still agree is high but not as high as 500.. and yes management quota is rather huge... quite huge infact..

and rudeness of the guards.. yes i definitely agree..and the conversation with the faculty you had... yes very possible.. to be honest i have experienced more hilarious ones... the google syllabus one is something i would expect from from an average vit teacher... not all mind you.. we have some good ones as well.. and few excellent...

and in my opinion the most stupid and idiotic things found in our college you have failed to observe in your short visit.. however its not your fault.. you have to live here to appreciate the stupidity.. your sis might tell you similar stories in a years time.. i wont mention them in public but if you are interested i might mail u...

anyway all said and done.. i think everyone has forgotten why vit has reached such a high level... let me make it clear.. vit is not a college that intends to produce einsteins or jobbs or bill gates... it really doesnt encourage high intensive research.. mit and princeton in the US are places for that... in India IITs come close...

VIT is a college which reaches out to the Indian masses... providing them great facilities to grow and they are placed in companies with assurance... it may not be microsoft or yahoo... but even tcs.. its providing employment.. sharky you should take a look at the aveage indian ( both intellegence and financially).. the first priority is good employment.. and VIT promises that... there are people in our college who worship the chancellor for that assurance... that is why VIT has grown to where it is now and will firther keep growing...

again.. it is not the place for research.. even thought there are ppl who do it.. its not the usp... if you are very brainy with high ambitions in research i definitely wouldnt recommend vit...

there is a lot of stupidity.. the guards, some particular faculty.. they can be quite low standard.. but overall the university has a set up which ensures placement and people with lot of pressures from their families are ensured a good job at the end of the day.. well they ll take that anyday... and that is what makes VIT such a great university.. giving a chance to one an all and assuring them a good future.. if you are looking for something more.. then vit is certainly not the place for you.. those kind of ppl are there.. but they fall in 0.5 if not less % of the population... VIT is college very much in stream with the Indian cause and her growth...

mastqalandar said...

Everyone on the govt insti zindabaad side!

a.)VIT is a private insti and one of the very few who has sustainably given Govt. instis a stiff competition.

b.)let the nos. speak for
themselves....out of the 2,500 students eligible for campus recruitments this year (B.Techs+M.Techs+MCA etc.) 1,400 students have already been placed. Avg. pkg 3.3lac. The 1st leg of placement season is abt to end by jul.... then all of the placed ppl will get 2 Dream Job companies to apply....avg. pkg. 4.5-11.1lacs. 5 of the 150 (s/w+core+dream) companies (came last year)have visited so far in 2 weeks ( and there's a whole year to go)....

c.) Govt. insti's filth and stench with reservation seats is un-speakable! i say if ur misquoted merit-mgmt seat ratio is to be even taken up, its still less than 50pc of undeservin a**holes sittin in cream instis around the country..... and so VIT is a prick right in the eye...ain't it!

d.) The google sad-a** joke tried crackin...its lame and a remarkable expose of ur low-crack intellect..another sad example of prejudice u hold.... there's a word for it starts with 'J' check the dictionary....

e.) U've already mentioned abt infrastructure, and i say this with conviction....we're not no. 1 but we ain't far behind.....

p.s. if no. 10 spot is so coveted...take it and the world shall bicker not! :D anony-mouse the 'wise-man' already cautioned u with deleting the post.... Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Even if the intake is 500 for a branch(god knows how authentic the fact is)..doesnt really matter cause we have the infrastructure to support the entire 500..

so guess that issue is resolved???

Anonymous said...

Govt. insti's filth and stench with reservation seats is un-speakable! i say if ur misquoted merit-mgmt seat ratio is to be even taken up, its still less than 50pc of undeservin a**holes sittin in cream instis around the country..... and so VIT is a prick right in the eye...ain't it!
...awesome point.

mastqalandar said...

@sunena.... valid point!

Anonymous said...

Sir cud u please tel me which college is better.. vit or maniapl or jp noida? u seem to b well versed wid da "current" situation in all dese intitutes..

thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

@ Mr. madarch**d shark,
Bh***di shark u met only 3 teaches n hv come to such conclusions!!
why didn't u meet prof R sarvanan or Miss Vijaya Sherly... n u r talking abt gaurds... what u want frm them in a so much tense day when 1000+ is the traffic in d clg n more than half percent of them r off duty...?..chumma lenge kamine tumko.. n who r u dat u'll be allowed to visit the CS deparment...

now listen to the facts abt VIT :
1) They r usually arrogant with assholes like u..., n they shuld be...
2) Security, cleanliness,ambience in hostels cannot be matched by many top clgs...
3) Many labs with attendants are open till late midnight for every research work possible...
4) VIT isn't only CS..OK?...Biotech here has labs second to none in our country...Mechanical branch is the best branch of our clg...why u didn't enquire their faculties!! if u wanted to know abt VIT not just the CS ...
5) VIT isn't a clg preparin students fr micro or google..a student has to do that... does ur clg or fr d sake IITs prepare students fr them...!!?
6) No clg is there with every faculty brilliant or something... every clg has some faculties who'll tell u a google out of syllabus joke...

chalo leave it yaar tere bolne se kuch hone wala thope na hai... VIT isn't best but is surely better than IIIT hyd, that i know for sure... n i know what research u r doin there... my bro has already done that last yr only.. OK..
aur maaf karna gar meri gaali boori lagi ho... but u deserve them...
aur saale u came that time when its holidays..90% faculty isn't here.. so whom did u meet!!!??...

kamine mere se mil liya hota...
aisi baatein na karta...
u've written all these just because u were so badly pissed off by VIT bein 10th... isn't it... bachhe bahut pitaoge samajh rahe ho na...
jeldi se thread mitao or apologise or u r surely gonna face some serious charges aginst u...lol..

Anonymous said...

one thing i forgot... our library isn't only unbeatble building wise... but is probably 500 times better than IITs library...i've not only seen it but have even searched some of the books..just without finding themm...
samjhe munna... gaa*d mein aag lag gayi hai na VIT ko itna upar aur apne aap ko itna niche jaate hue dekh kar...!!!???

Anonymous said...

bluekant bhai....bachee to itna na sunao...hamlog ijjat se le lenge..chill ho jaiye..frustrated hai bechara..photo dekhiye

Sam said...

Mr. Shark..........
don't u think tat u represent a IIIT"""" >>>>>>>>>> DOING 'So called Research"" then it has already brought a wrong credit to ur Institution......... so 1stly u don't have a right of Blogging "A Visit To VIT".......... R U A VIP or what???? Every Univ has a policy of diclosures.......... and the extent to which one discloses....... ad u can't expect from a guard 2 tell this tio u<<>>

I' m in EEE there.... now in 2nd year......v vere tought by the top class and senior (""PHd's"") .... our HOD.... taught us regularly and even he took extra class for whole 1st yr Electrical Students...... wat else u can xpect from a faculty........... he took pins so as to help the people.....
coming to ur question of CS Deptt.... i think that even if v had 1000 students there ..... v have the ability to keep all students well ........ bcoz v have such an infrastructure.......... u went 2 a faculy and started asking questions about course and all...... u don't need 2 worry about the standars of course..... bcoz itz quite well updated and revised.... by the academic council...........

about the placements....... i think >1000 students vere taken by TCS(THE tatas) ...... are those people mad that they will pay inefficient candidates ........... u need 2 do some research in this area as well. my dear Mr. researcher .....lols

In B.Tech level th most important thing is to gather knowledge and not spoon feeding.......... it doesn't mean that rol of faculties in zero....... they r here 2 guide us.......and u don't worry abt Phd's they are in large nos.... i think with good competancy......

People from IIT,Delhi...... came 2 VIT as our Vice-Cyhancellor...... our dean is also from IIT... Dr. J P Raina.....

same status for Biotechs and mech ppl....

ABT RANKING...... i think it's almost trur...... we have grown a lot in the past 25Yrs...... and whether u r jealous or anything else...... v wil in some time really reach higher and higher due to our competancy./............

I would Mr. Shark 2 kindly concentrate on his Research so as 2 emerge as a competent researcher from IIIT-H...... but it seems that u need some guidance from..........lols

From now on try to reaserch content well before commenting even on the IIT's..... always learn to respect the institution for the good.... this is the spirit...... and i demand it from all of us...

The lumberjack said...

I see a lot of vitians doing the needful already. But a friend of mine insisted that I smash your egoistic and ostentatious face with the frying pan of reality so here I come.

VIT despite of having incredibly awesome infrastructure and everything else which counts is reduced to a stereotype 'private' college by grandiloquent pseudo India flavoured Einsteins who do their research on advanced copy paste from net. Most of your facts are incorrect. We have a big chunk of management seats (not 50% anyway), how do you think the college paid for the stupendous tech tower and the subsidised canteen run by the best 3 star hotel in Vellore, most of our top level faculties are 'bought' from IITs and other coveted colleges. Major cash transactions take place. There are multiple other amenities which you would secretly dream of and not reveal like 100% power backup, a world-class gym and the magnificent library for example are provided by VIT, where do you think is the moolah coming from. The labs are better than most of the top colleges in India. We had 2Gb rams and 256Mb Graphics cards on our systems in the cad labs in 2005-06, and there were 250 or more of these systems at that time, that is 3 years back.

Bahhh.. I just imagined the loo of a govt. college and barfed on the key board.

The number 266 which according to you is the number of merit based seats is probably twice the number of seats in any course offered by your college so it’s not like the mgmt seats are eating into the normal intake. The management students are not bad either, we all get placed and that’s exactly what people expect from a decent college, unless they are smart as a whip like you and knows dick about internet security.

About the faculty, I really think you met some lab incharge, our professors don't roam around in the campus joblessly in pursuit of tea and samosa the way it happens in govt. college like yours. And the senior lecturers are not so easily accessible to some random lout like you. The link given by Himank shows that there are a total of 11 Phd's in iiit, that’s probably the number of Phd's we have in each branch. During the counseling period the faculties were not around. I really think you the guard realized what a pansy you are and tried to fool around a bit.

About the library which according to you just looks good,"The Periyar EVR Central Library is replete with 1,48,353 Documents, 1,26,020 Volumes of Books; 6,722 CDs, 560 Video Cassettes and 191 Audio Cassettes. VIT Library also provides classroom teaching through Ekalvya and EDUSAT programmes." The library has modern facilities video conferencing and electronic book security system. These are old statistics and the numbers have increased. How many colleges can boast of a business incubator cell. Most of the IIT students (3/4 th of them) settle outside India. Somehow by accident or design that’s not the case here. This is something I am really proud of.

By hook or by crook (as falsely projected by ShaRk puke) we had the oomph to be on the 10th spot. The only way you can prove your supremacy is by beating us at that and so as Anmol said ‘take it and the world shall bicker not!’
Companies like Google and yahoo visit our campus to recruit anyone who deserves to be with them, VIT provides opportunities equal to that in IIIT with better infrastructure probably. All the companies visiting IITs or IIIT visited our campus, but sadly the bright student believes in the ever followed tradition of government colleges being superior somehow for some clandestine reason.

Lastly a piece of advice. Your outburst is a desperate move, you are frustrated. You probably aimed really high and had lofty dreams and fell on your face. You are one of the people who wanted to be at the iit but landed at IIIT, and then the ranking and the lime light that is enjoyed by VIT has hurt your ego. That’s all right yaar, you don't need to feel small. We at VIT really think your college is very superior and has awesome faculty (lol), err can't find anything else good enough to mention here. My advice to you is to refrain from doing something stupid like this. We have at least 4000 ppl from in and around Hyderabad. You never know what angry mobs charged with emotion can do. :-p I really hope retribution ensues asap.

Anonymous said...

ah rishab baba... ki hoyeche tomar??

u are making a fool of yourself really..

Anonymous said...

Hey ...
first of all don't send ur cusion or anyone here...ok...
secondly wats wrong wid u...
well i so agree that intake at vit is bit high but that doesn't mean that it a trash college like IIIT aah...gimme a break....whole fuckin IT industry is flooded with VITians n listen we r not there to smile and say "Good Morning" can we bring u TEA...we are there coz we work better than u people...lemme tell u one thing...the kind of people u came across in VIT are first of all not teachers...coz during counselling they don't have a job....there job is 2 teach not like "SHARMA " sir in ur college who comes 2 college just to see which gal has got the hottest ass....they work here....u came across a tamil anna who somehow was in at the wrong place at the wrong time ...n u had that enigmatic energy 2 know abt the college aaah...so u looked at him n asked some questions on n/w security yeah...n maybe he may not be knowing the answer coz he was clerk ....n felt aaah wat a bullshit college...man have a KITKAT yaar...we study more than u people at IIIT at SES we have 6 subjects in each semester....agar subjects ke conent dekhoge to bata chalega....how can u expect the person 2 show u fuckin curriculam of 2nd year ...bullshit....he may be busy wid his own work....no one in this world has time 4 others grow upp yaar...yaar thoda chala phira karo....else u will become fat ....u should have come 2 the boys hostel we would have shown u the curicullam..agar kehte to frame bhi karwa dete...tu galat time pe aaya tha(wen 1st 2nd n 3rd years were njoying vacation n 4th years were busy wid placements)...btw when did u come 4 admission....well if i tell u achievment of all our schools..i will have 2 write a book consulting my frnds from other depts...i will even do that....are jitni energy tu yeh blog likne mein karta hai na utni energy dimag pe agar lagaega to kafi sahi hoga ......yaar tu ek guard se frustrate hta hai...n u even had time 2 write that in ur blog had ho gayi...u even saw that he was arrogant wow....i never notice things like these in other people ...i think this is wat they teach in IIIT phsycology is it...bhai tumhe khud college ghumna tha guard ward ko kya pata....who to bechara khud garmi mein apni duty karta hai...tere ko pata karna hai sab kuch...yar yeh CVIT kya hai muche bhi batao...bahut image processing aati hai hai tuche yaar....Acha tell me differenve b/w wavelet transform and Fourier Transform...this is a question from DIP...n which is better...tell me yaar yeh jawahar to institute isse kya matlab...one should know the main funda ...i think u are one of those who can say which is better c or c++, but can't handle a pointer program...u r in IT right tell me one thing wat is IEEE 802.14.5 wat is difference b/w 802.11a and 802.11b/g tell me without consulting any site...if u are honest....jus writing blog doesn't make some one kickass....even amir khan writes blogs wat is the difference b/w an engineer n an actor...u are also an actor who is acting OVERSMART ...yaar 2 apne ap ko itna hero mat samajh...coz agar tu aisa karega n if u r down at some point in ur life then no one will help u....be genuine..Reply 2 this post....

devanik said...

hey man first of all i strongly criticise ur comments on vit..first of all how can u say dat india today has manipulated the rankings..for your kind information i would like to tell u dat india today is the most widely read magazine in aouth asia..so it cant publish such crap rankings and misguide the student community.ok agreed dat vit has a huge intake and they take management seats and nri seats...but atleast these are people are coming from good and educated families and we quite get to learn from their knowledge and intellect and they are 100 times better than those idiots sc/ST's sittin in IIT's,NIT'S and other govt instituitions..just tel me wat r u gonna learn frm those stupid and idiotic SC/ST's ppl. and u said dt iiit-A is nt as bad as JNTU and some very poor colleges have come in between..may i know wich college r u sayin is poor...bit mesra,jadavpur,nit warangal or nit calicut.???.being a bengali if ur saying dt jadavpur university kolkata is a poor college then u should be ashamed..jadavpur university is much ahead of iiit-H in terms of research..and yes your placement is good i agree bt ur college intake is only 210...i can bet dt if vit reduces intake to even 600-700 it will surpass even iit guwahati..bt neways u even wrote dt whoever had iiit-H and vit he wuh have joined iiit-H..i m telling u honestly even if had rank 1 in aieee i wud have taken nit warangal nt iiit-h.. coz iiit-h is nt as good a brand name as nit.and our infrastructure is far ahead of yours.do just dnt blabber around sayin dt iiit-h is better then vit..i bet more ppl know vit than iiit-h..and frm my frnds of andhra and tamil nadu tole me dt after iit chennai,vit is da most reputed college...so does dt mean dt all those ppl are fools..so dont just speak crap and dont be jealous of our rankings....coz iiit-h can never even think of matching vit..

devanik said...

and do reply to my comment..i wud definitely want a reply frm u...

Anonymous said...

ran out of gas ay?

Sathiya Manivannan said...

Hi I am a VITian and I accept what you saw or what you felt was right, Partially. The thing you missed about VIT- The Students. I suppose you did not talk to people who actually constitute and study in VIT. The real thing that got VIT its name outside is its outgoing students.

IITs or IIITs get you do things by their best faculty or by getting the best people inside. What VIT does is it provides you a platform to do what ever you want. Now tell me which one would you prefer?

Just to quote an example of what we can achieve through VIT

I am proud of my friend Ritwik Shekar who is now a proud employee of HONDA... when he went for placements many of us were unsure of his chances, but the freedom in VIT and his determination got him the Job. I agree its all due to his effort .98% yes. But look at it from the other side, would he have entered the company if he had been spoon fed by his faculty? Definitely no, these companies don't want trained students,
they will train you...

what they want is those students who can train themselves, if given a chance
that they are willing to take on challenges and find solutions

Let me put it very simple. If your cousin wants to do something of her own and that she wants to get the platform of international standards and support from her friends for that, she has made the right choice of joining VIT.

Let me say this "VIT is a place to learn a chance to grow" to grow or not to grow is in your hands, don't expect to be injected with growth hormone.

Unknown said...

what kinda of a foolish self conceited guy are u shark?? how could you let your sis join such a college? ? clearly shows that you'd rather write crappy blog entries than forbidding her from getting into a college like dis...
P.S: PRO's been on leave since the 27th of May and will be bak only on the 2nd of july!
P.P.S: VIT's not a govt funded college, n hence needs to make money thru management.
P.P.P.S: maybe the guard jus didnt like ur face n hence didnt want u enterin our campus!

N fer everyone reading this... VIT's a gud college! it has excellent oppotunities fer research in any of the branches unlike govt funded instt wher der r NO funds most of the time.. n Mr. Shark...try visiting VIT after college reopens... u'll know why we all love it so much and is really one of the best colleges fer engg in our country today! cheers...
and abhi bhi kuch nahi bigda... stop being mean n show d same amount of concern fer ur sisters career as well... cos if she's thinks the way u do...she's never gonna make it thru college! any college i mean! cheers!

Unknown said...

n yeah...its the students tht make a college... der r ppl who've made it to MS n Yahoo...n also those who've made it to cornelll n harvard...and also those who've opened there own online businesses n minting money already.. its the brain that makes the name dear! ;)

Anonymous said...

Dude!!!Whoever u are.Thanks a million for putting into words what i have been feeling for a long long time.VIT is Bullshit.I have studied there for 4 long years and i can tell you that apart from the food(by the way u would not have checked out shankar dhaba,outside vit,the place is superb).There is nothing called research that happens.And for those who pass it off as,no funds from central government funds,bullshit.There are no placements(unless you consider that tata).Mechanical is the only department that has something called placements.An education institute is supposed to inspire an air of creativity that brings out the best amongst its students.VIT doesnt.I was in a department that had an academic liberal who was keen on making us think.She was a bit of a rebel and a drunkard as well. But she wanted us to think.But in came the management and clipped her wings(in other words showed her the door).We may not have funds but the solution is not picking up students with iq levels about 2 up just to fill your coffers.(and if you do it then you are useless.Not number 10).The exam system is a sham.Teachers make us mug.And if we protest,more mugging.The system is repressiveand parochial.Glad that someone exposed the sham.But to the defense of my institute i shall only say one thing. Anna university is ranked higher than us.They are just as bad if not worse.And whats good at vit..i will quote my friend in his own words "vit is a good place if u want to assimilate ur porn collection pick up a drug habit or two.

Anonymous said...

beta kya ho gaya hai tujhe , kyo taang ladaa raha hai sabse , ... padne ke liye bejha tha thuje college , juch paise kama ke leka aa , agar thu mardh hai tho , ...... aisi bekaar ki batho me kyo padtha hai , ..... aur ye theri girlfriend koun hai , .......
arey mujhe tho lagtha hai thu hamari ijjath nikaalne pe thula hai !!!
sudhar ja bete !

venkat reddy said...

Dude thanks a helluva lot once again.I am still on a high after reading that.I just loved the line where you talked about the unholy nexus of money and commoditisation of education.And for all those VIT patriots who have come up with rhetorical tripe the guy hear has come up with the perfect facts and figures and has formed an informed opinion on what our college is..Maybe the facts and figures are not right to the last number.But they are facts all the same.Lets not look at the world through VIT tinte glasses

The lumberjack said...

i guess 'dude' jonty din't make it through placements. I don't think he could have been any denser in claiming that the placements in VIT are bad. and about the porn and drugs..you get what you seek you know..

Anonymous said...

jonty were u the hero in the official VIT porn movie on rounds in the hostle campus, ....... man be more creful , ... don show ur **** to every gal u see !!!

Anonymous said...

I think VIT is not comparable to IIIT-H, NIT-W, NIT-T. At least the students joining are of not so great ranks. I myself got a rank of 9 in VIT entrance test. But i joined IIIT-H.

devanik said...

@ jonty.
hey just dt u r dumb and didnt get placement is y u r sat=yin dt vit doesnt get placements..i dunno in wixh year u passed out..bt last we had placements in micrsoft,yahoo,ibm,agilent,oracle,freescale semiconductor n many other companies...so think before u speak and get urself verfied with da facts....

Anonymous said...

raghu i understand what kind of a student u are , ..... all those rank holders ( except for a few exceptions) bite the dirt whereever they go , and believe me i am saying this out of experience , .... it is you who make your career not the institute , ...... and lets see what you do in life , ....... people like u are incubated ouput from corporate colleges , who just get ranks and study and study and study , ...... all the best anyway !!!!

devanik said...

@ raghu..
ok agreed u gt a rank 9 in vit i m sure u must have gt a god rank in aieee also...then if u have taken iiit-h then u have done a big mistake..and how da hell did u say say dt vit is nt comparable to iiit-h,nit-w,nit-t...its actually equivalent to them if not better...u shud have joined nit-w or nit-t my frnd...u have committed a big mistake by joinin iit-h coz the brand name of nit-w,nit-t are much higher than iii-h...

Bad MF said...


Look dude, how many people do you think IIIT will let in?

100? 200?

How many people can IITs educate?

How many IIT graduates in a year?

1000? 2000? Seriously how many in your college?

100-200? How many IT professionals has IIIT or IIT produced for the Indian IT industry this coming year? 1000? 2000?

What about VIT?

Almost all of our graduates end up in the IT industry. This comes in the wake of the fact that IT professionals are in short supply.

What's your college doing about addressing the shortage? Last time I checked...


The country needs more graduates, your college ain't helping. My college is.

This year we had 1075 of us get selected in TCS.

Dude you are what you call 'the newly conscious'. Don't mind me saying this. Until recently even I was one.

You think you know the rules. Now you take real liberty in poking the straws out of the fabric. This stems from the NAIVEly high expectations and "standards" of excellence.

I dont mean to say you should set your sights low.

I am guessing you wouldn't understand the concept of Reserveation either. Sometimes you got to be a more Utilitarian (not unethical) to attain that "ideal picture" the "high standards" you expect of the institute.

You know what? No one said our faculty were good.

Hell, I can tell right now that YOUR CS facutly and the IIT CS faculty don't live upto my standards. I am not saying that for the sake of this argument.

Heck I would go as far as to say college is not about the lecturers. Its about seeking the answers. Waking to the real world. Find the lessons on your own, find the books on your own, topics on your own, lessons on your own. In an ideal world that is what we should be doing.

It doesn't bother me that a systems programming professor asked me if I made my website using Visual basic. He's good at what he is good at. That's all i care.

We should strive to become thin long men. Become an expert in one or two things.

Did you know that as a part of our curriculum we have to do 5 real world projects, that is apart from the industrial training in order to graduate? I dont know about you. In the REAL world where MOST OF THE ACTION IS, that's all that matters. NOT SOME damn HYPOTHESIS. You may have a Post graduate. But we are ahead of you because we went out and did something practical with what we learnt. You might say YOU went out and made something out of interest. You can't speak for your classmates. Atleast not all the time. I can.

Regarding Google. Google doesn't sell IT services. They are not making money by arbitraging on low priced labour like TCS and Infosys.

They also won't spend time LIFTING the recruits up with a training program. They're looking for the far and few between - the mavericks, the goliaths. Making goliaths and mavericks is not the primary objective of our institution. I can say that is the job of your college and the IITs.

Bad MF said...

Oh and sharkman.

Great work with the blog. You are evidently much better at making informed decisions than most people. Most people just act on chocolate FUDge - Fear uncertainity and doubt. Popular folklore I mean.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shark ,

I m a fresh pass out from vit (04-08).
I completely agree with you n have all the sympathies with you for the glorius comments posted by MOST DESERVING vitians correctly proud of:
TCS taking 1000's ,
of people unable to sit in companies like IBM n ORACLE (bec they r already placed in TCS !), of the breathtaking view of the gardens providing excellent shade in the hot n steamy sun of vellore ( u know what...it gives them a feeling that they r standing in sum foreign univ in cold weather ! ),
of a 3 star hotel providing food to a couple of hundreds out of staggering 12-14k strength of their BELOVED VIT...that too after hrs of waiting n serving with delicate RUDEness as if they r giving you food for free at some temple ,
of a great mess which charges sum 25k for 10months of the most awesome food served on EARTH ( don forget the delicacy of course.. ! ),
of a 5 STAR library made by making holes in their hardworking parent's pockets...which can house a 1000 or 1500 ( wildest possible imagination ! ) out of their so many uncountable brethren .. n which has books sufficing not more than 10% of the student's needs..but dont forget ..IT LOOKS AWESOME n ofcourse 5 STAR by all standards ! n somebody even said this 5 star hotel is 500 times bigger than library of IITS !!!!!
, of an atrocius emblem of showmanship carved out from so many student loans n humble,loving,ambitious parent's pockets..TECH TOWER !!! ,
some of them r proud of the fact of all vitians getting visas ... what an heroic act that is ! ,
of the aura of highhandedness they face everywhere ..main building .. the id card rule gives these REALLY LOYAL TAG LOVING DOGS a feeling of walking in some highly confidential area ,
of not being allowed to sit on stairs or sideways of their BELOVED HOME ,ie, VIT.. ,
of INDIAS BEST PRIVATE COLLEGE still NOT PROVIDING NET TO HOSTELS (i know its in the pipeline ..but come on.. we r already declared BEST .. don u think INDIA's - world's largest democracy - house to silicon valley of asia - BEST PRIVATE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY should be having internet access to hostel rooms already ! ) ,
of a great cosmopolitan culture where girls r not allowed to stay outside after 7.30-8.00 ! n we call it INDIA's best .. is this the best INDIA can offer ?? ,
n yes.. somebody said that we have great sports facilities.. please note..INDIA's BEST PRIVATE COLLEGE's SOLE SPORTS STADIUM HAS NO GROUND !!! THE STADIUM HOUSES A WELL KEPT HELIPAD for the ministers n beurocrats to fly in leisurely to VIT ! ,
well the list can go on and on...
GUYS..i m talking to vitians..we must accept the fact n try to improve rather than accepting n defending somrthing wrong .. we pay them .. we give VIT its brand , we r the customers , we r the providers to the faculties, to the guards , to the management .. please wish more.. we deserve much better from them .
and this is a not a comment for the blogger , but to all the vitians ..to their comments..and yes i m thorough with all my facts n figures .. i have just completed ma 4 yrs a week back..
for those who argue that who paid for the stupendous techtower... who d hell told them to build such a building..to waste crores ..a decent structure would have cost much less ..these r the things which we do when we have surplus funds..not by increasing the fees or by increasing intake ! who told them to hire a 3star caterer..iits,DU,Punjab univ..they all cater great food joints..they r not 3 stars !
who wants such delicately maintained gardens..we r in a temperate zone..we need trees..which can provide shade in hot vellre weather ..n they don need maintenance..
n about biotech...hahaha..what research goes inside the lab..ask us the final yrs!
please don trust INDIA TODAY or any other magzine.. trust ur eyes, ur senses !
there is nothing bad in comparing to the better stuff n trying to become better .. this is the way to go forward (if cant think of our own)
I see some of ma frenz writing crazily in support of VIT here..when all their stay here..they hated vit for these particular points.. i m really sad that they stop seeing reality in the name of loyality !
some crazy guys hav abused the blogger ... this is a proof of the kind of people vit takes..thru management window etc..

thanks shark for initiating this debate..it was courageous ! n a great show of responsibility n awareness !

Anonymous said...

well i am from VIT... going to pass out in 2008 (hopefully, results not out yet.. but then i dont care for how they judge me anyway)

I appreciate the way u handle those remarkably childish comments from us VITians. since i am from VIT lemme do the answering for you. I'll do a better job of it...

@those touchy VITians who cant accept the shit they're living in...
I'll tell you what.. Do something original and when u really feel u've come up with something worthwhile, show it to ur lecturers.. Then tell me how it feels when they turn ur project down because it wasn't from the syllabus books... I made a 2D engine in 7th sem as my mini proj when other people were making database applications with a basic java frontends.. the panel said the 'game' (it was a game engine for christ's sake!) was not showing any score... so it was incomplete.. I told them it had a string manager using the services of a wrapper for 2d DirectX... I guess they didn't understand the 'manager' part.. :|

One professor shouted at our whole class because some females were sitting next to boys (for some reason they find that to be 'against our culture'). I was even more distressed to see that no student stood up to him.

I know VIT. I stayed there for 4 years :( As for the 'to India Today' thing is concerned.. lets just say I expect such stuff from VIT. But I was disillusioned to realise that India Today 'sold out' too. The education system, then journalism... what next!?

any chap from VIT who's felt success, will never forget to add that VIT had no part to play in it... neither will I...

@ VITians
dont be so aggressive in your replies.. It gives ur desperation away.

If I ever turn to terrorism, you shall be the sole reason. :)
No, seriously....

- Ishan

Anonymous said...

Ishan here...
That was supposed to be,

As for the 'bribe to India Today' thing is concerned...

sorry for the typo!!

venkat reddy said...

I have got a few things to clarify here. Just because I have let out a fair bit of steam on what is wrong at VIT doesnt mean that I am not placed.I am placed(and may i add embarrassed about it) at TCS.As the owner of this blog pointed out noone needs to be proud of the fact they are placed in Tata Consultancy Services. Whats with you guys? All of us watch porn in the hostel and i was just pointing it out.Its just a porn haven.And for the other dude who was asking whether I "Feature" in the porn clip,the answer to that is No.I was not that lucky.But may i add being a graduate from VIT,a career in porn beckons.

The lumberjack said...

@ the anonymous whose "frenz writing crazily in support of VIT here"
we can totally sit for IBM and ORACLE

P.S. your 'frenz' are crazily wondering if you actually passed out of VIT

Ydntn said...

Hmmm.. A lot has been said and told...
I'll also give my candid observations...
I am a passout from VIT-U and these four years have been the best years till date.

VIT is an institution of extremes... You'll come to know soon ... Parts of what you have seen is true, parts not true at all .... Read on ....
History: Founded quite early, it got freedom from Anna University only about in 2001 (plz correct me if i am wrong)
So basically that was the beginning of VIT...
Took students from in and around T.N initially (as it was initially under Anna)
Then slowly, one year, it moved to AIEEE... This year (or two) , very good students came to VIT since they were AIEEE level;
left out from NITs and IIITs, they were those guys who were basically good, but the exam probably din go well or some other reason ... basically a good bunch of students
Then later VIT shifted to VITEE (and stopped AIEEE) as they had strict restrictions on many things including strength
This was objectionable to VIT as we never have funds like what IIITs or NITs have..
Most people in my batch are atleast 1 year droppers(for IIT-JEE), so the have a good understanding of what they need to be doing and dont take decisions in haste..

There are rules that are quite strict, but then it all comes in place,.. we may complain one day about it, the next day we ocmpletely forget about it...
Life is never a cake walk..

Yea, one thing i really hated about these four years was the Extreme climate... Sometimes you get pissed off at some lecturers, sometimes with the security ... its all so
common .... I believe its in the nature of people who complain.. I am quite sure you cant deny the fact that IIITs are no cakewalk...
Have you never ever got pissed at some lecturer?.. Have you never, ever complained against the "System"?

Know what, i had some friends in NIT-Surathkal ... Believe it or not.. they were surprised that we get water (that too geyser water) 24 hours!
They had access to water only for a few hours ! and no hot water also ...

I've met many people who are quite good at what they know... but are Zero when it comes to conveying the same thing...
VIT has many lecturers who manage to convey the message, even without knowing much english

And i hope you know about the current situation of getting lecturers ... Its not necessarily that only PHDs can teach well ! who said so?
It all depends on you... nobody is spoon-feeding you...
The opportunities are all here.. its about realizing that and making the most about it...
yea, my friend got placed in Honda, yea the same guy mentioned above .. I know about him.. Daily bunked classes ... maintained the bare minimum attendance, was a 6 or 7 pointer throughout
And what happens finally?... he is one of the 2 guys who make it there ... awesome right!

About SCS, its just like any other college, a healthy mix of good(read some young and mostly older guys) and bad lecturers (read young lecturers)... Bad because many dont opt for teaching
SCS gave us what not... experience in various fields including co-curricular ... certification programmes from IBM, laptops for M.Tech students at low prices..... Laptops to all faculties... CISCO labs, .NET labs,
Linux Labs, A general computing lab(Santhanam), IT labs(3),MCA lab, .... dude there are sooo many machines here...
Its upto the student to use them....

Now coming to the fact about placements...
Hey can you tell me for what reason IITs were made in ndia by J.Nehru (If i am right, he was behind all this)
The reason as you also know is "To develop India"..
Now tell me the approximate % of students who go and fuel the silicon Valley..
If i am right according to a news report, 4 of every 10 atsrtups in silicon valley are by young indians (please read IITians and IIITians and NITians)
What good is your institute if it cannot develop India, but fuel other other countries? Why should the Govt. provide you money?

At VIT, we pay the money (yea, its a huge sum, i agree), BUT, we fuel the Indian market ! an Indian company !
And this is not as a whole everyone.. This is about the majority who fuel TCS...

Now coming to your placements (esp. Microsoft like companies where i hope many of you get into)
Microsoft does not trust Indian developers (i know this because i have started working now and have had lots of interactions with guys who have left similar companies like Amazon)
The best guys in IIIT go to microsoft and do what?... do testing/development of a product having an uncertain fate... because everything will be decided by the guys in Redmond... A guy with such good creativity is reduced to do things way below his capabilities... its true, i did a research to arrive at this... many dont speakup, because the pay is good (9.2) !

I know guys in my college who have a "book" full of certificates, presented papers throughout the world... got jobs in places where the paper was presented almost immediately !
I know guys who have made it to the IIM... I know guys who have represented the college at international meets ... I know guys who started earning in 2nd year.. I know a guy so good in Linux, he actually busted out a guy from IIT with 2 years of experience (yea, he is working now ... 2008 passout )
I know lecturers who admit that thaey dunno about something (SCS) and are willing to learn it, which i think takes courage to learn from a student..
I knw guys who hacked into the network(SCS) just because thay were so good at it...
VIT also provides for TBI - Technology Biz incubator, where you can develop ideas into products..

A recent interview at NI, had 4 VITians among 10 students ahortlisted in Delhi..

At one point of time, i was surrounded by chinese students (250 of them).. Last year alone, over 70% of chinese coming to india(not travellers) landed up in VIT.. why not IIIT?.. why not IIT?
One needs to realize that its not just the super-intelligents in the society... (they bloody don need a college to prosper ... they will make it big in life irrespective of anything ...)
Its also the medium guys.. who basically need a job .. to earn for their families.. to grow ... This is where TCS comes into picture..
Earlier, i also had a strong harted for TCS, but now, NO way, its doing justice to so many people.. you really cant compare it with the other companies ike MS..
Both these companies are in different leagues ...
I really dunno the number of people who have made it to foreign universities this time ! Lot Many... and many good colleges ...

Also, VIT has got accredations from so many firms ... I am not sure of the latest one ...

Apart from all this tech talk, its good managemet that is required to make it big.. and infrastructure playing a very important role in that..
that means.. good lawns (although you cant walk on it!! :) ), olympic size swimming pool (Seriourly i have not come across a better pool in Bangalore till now ! ),
Pool facilities (a lil' overpriced), God places to eat (FoodCourts, BR, and yea mess (not that good) )...
So many courts that promote sports, a new indoor stadium....
Sunshades for the summer, tennis courts, Stadium and Playgrounds (2 of them in contrast to the above post ...)
Riviera, our Annual fest draws so many people throught the nation... We get 2 artistes every year... one Proper Rock and one proper Indian (eg. Parikrama and Shankar Mahadeven / Euphoria)
I mean what more do you really want out of a college?
VIT also provides training camps and facilities to the 5-6 odd schools (plz correct me if i am wrong) .. Its infact taken ownership of them... Every sunday in the morning, so many kids come and have basketball lessons to smaller exercises ... which i think is a very good thing to do.. the playgrounds are utilized by the local kids in the mornings ...
And yea, there is also the Music room where budding singers can do whatever they feel like ....
And also, have to admit, the non-availability of internet to the hostels is not good.. I just hope thay do that soon !

VIT is also providing classes for CAT preperation to TIMS and IMS (not very sure about the source)

Aur yaar baat raho porn aur drugs ki, let me tell you that most NITs and Manipal are major drug-centres, as told by guys from the same college ...
See you really cant stop guys from doing what they want to do if they leave the hostel...
Rahi baat porn ki, man, is IIIT/IIT/NIT some kind of temple where they only study and do nothing else?... In fact this is sooo widespread that its become some kind of a commanlity among colleges...

Ek baar aao Vellore and ask any Vellore villager how much the place has benefitted from VIT.. believe me, it has actually transformed the place since 2001 (Transformation does not happen overnite.. 7 years is a small quantum of time actually ... )
No longer Vellore is only known for CMC.. Now its known for 2 more things .. VIT and the Golden Temple

Yaar, wake up to the reality .... VIT is growing fast ... :)

Btw. no offence to anyone here, these is purely from my angle, of what i have felt in these four years...

Ydntn said...

Hey and btw, I am a regular blogger and you can contact me if you need any clarifications on anything.. The same post has been re-written on my blog and you can post your comments there..



aditya said...

ydntn Great post dude ...

Adding one more point...
Vit students didn't get the privilege to study in IIT's whatever be the reason(but still VIT gave us the best opportunities, which even your college might not have)and talking about IIT's even you IIIT guys have opted if you had been lucky enough to get the admission(so why are you making so much fuss about it.).

But the past four years of B.tech in VIT has not in any case lessened the zeal to success and all the credit to VIT and the faculty who kept the light glowing.Which i think is the most important and difficult thing for any institute to do to create tht fighting spirit.
And i think the college ranking can't tell about a institute neither your one day visit to campuses around the country.It's the people who study in the institute and who pass out which create a difference.
That's how IIT's are what they are today,not because of any ranking stuff.
So concentrate on your research dude because that is what that counts and will bring your college on top and not your discriminating views about other colleges(let it be any college of the country).
So,best of luck dude...

Ydntn said...

Hey and i completely forgot to mention another very interesting fact about VIT.

I really have not heard of any college (there might be, not sure) which gives away Rs. 12,000 as scholarship to every class topper! - thats in the first year

Then every year you have scholarships to students who are in the top 10% in the Branch
Thats like about 15 students easily in my third year in a strength of 120 students.

Imagine that kind of scholarship !
spending 12,000 X 15 students in my branch alone, and there are IT, CSE, EEE, ECE, Mech, BioTech, BioInfo, Chem, Civil, EI (thats just the B.tech courses among BSc, M.Tech etc. and i am sure i have missed out some)

And this is for each of the four years.
I know people who have got this scholarship each and every year !

So the money is also being spent for encouraging the students to perform better

Also i forgot to mention that a certain cutoff marks in 12th or Entrance exam also means Free Education for your B.Tech ! (not sure if it is first year or all years, please correct me wherever i am wrong)

There are also separate Scholarships for the lateral entries(<12,000) and summer jobs to those who are in need of money (I have seen this notice for 2 years)

Post comments! This is a link to my blog

Anonymous said...

i am vit cse student 05-09 batch
come on vitains!! grow up..
learn to accept the shit around you.Tcs is not the company to boast around with.
atleast dont flaunt the fact that 1075 ppl placed in tcs.
this is serious truckloading stuff.

the scenario is that a student is not able to sit for accenture and companies like fidelity just bcoz coll has contract wid tcs.
for god s sake dont mistake 1075 figure for some exceptional talent in vit..

Anonymous said...

to all dear vitians who are placed in tcs.. ask urself a question that how seriously u worked for it or how hard was the selection in it..

Flaunting this tcs placements really project vitians as immature engineers not knowing the reality of outside world.

Aarabi said...

hi! i know tat d vit student/teacher ratio is pretty bad n d number of profs is awful BUT let me give u an experience ul find VERY interesting. my friend from vit is in uc berkeley, interning in NASA. iv just passed out of vit and while studying there, i did some projects for IIT madras and also took some courses there - like digital signal processing - there was the ece topper from nit-w and in the dsp lab, we had to embed some c code in the assembly code - this nit person could not fill a matrix when she had initiated it differently!!!! she actually thought tat using i for row and j for column in one nested loop, meant tat the variables are retained AGAIN later - this person is placed in siemens core, TOPPER in nit-w and i had to explain WHY this wont work to her - this person was in third year for crying out louD!! - im going to TU munich, or TU delft for masters studies- many of my friends r going to carnegie mellon, mit, some do r&d in agilent technologies, i can keep going.. iv had some AWFUL classes and profs at vit too - but that didnt prove all the other excellent labs infrastructure and facilites any the less an awesome launchpad for my creativity

Aarabi said...

@ venkat reddy

so u dint take vit - u think ur the bench mark for the whole country? what have u proved in iiit-h so far? done anything of repute? published an ieee paper? iete paper at least?
we've had multiple ieee publications in the last 3 years - can an nit claim that? or U for tat matter?

@ ishan :D

dude, u got a bad break wit tat game engine? who supported ur band and the guitar artist in u? ask raul belgrad how his univ "supported" his band - ul hear horror stories :D chill out man!

@ raghu

get a life okay?

Anonymous said...

VIT sucks

Anonymous said...

what bullshit are you all talking about - papers and stuff? it doesnt suit you VITians.
Rejects of other colleges.
And ppl going to MIT for masters?
Cmon we are not interested in Manipal Institute of tech.
When IIT/NIT/IIIT say MIT they mean the one in the US...


Anonymous said...

Dude what I am an VIT and I havent heard about anyine going to top schools in US except one or 2

jaina said...

hey, gud job.. but u dont need to go to VIT to find out how shitty it is.
How much money do u think VIT paid India Today, I think around 2 crore..

Anonymous said...

I think more. what about 4 crore?

Its such a looser college that they have their admissions cunningly before everyone else and have binding rules.

And common VITians you know you are there cause you didnt make it into the IIT/NIT/IIIT brands.
SO now dont show off

Anonymous said...

forget about the money given to the Magazine, ... we don have a say in it , .... but for ur kind info , getting into the so called branded colleges is not nowadays just based on TALENT , its more on luck , ..... so keep ur ass shut , .... why do u wanna say all this shit ,.... we never shew off, ...... come on straight and compete with us , ... and i bet there is no lack of talent here , ... i will prove it to u , just dare to compete u bastard !!

Ydntn said...

Ok guys,

OUTLOOK has published its findings..

I've made a small analysis of this in a better presentable format..

You can conclude whatever you want, but this is the correct data by Outlook.


or click here YDNTN's Various

Unknown said...

the blog is outrageous! it definitely takes more than a counselling session to judge vit..

Anonymous said...

@Ydntn - the VIT guy

ROFLMAO. Just wondering how can someone make fun of himself and his college. If you plug 1045 points in the combined list then your institute comes at rank 27th. VIT and HBTI kanpur has almost the same ranking. You're a punk. Atleast we thought that you could be in top 20. These rankings are shit and everyone knows it. They released separate list for private colleges so that they can make money from them or they can keep them happy. By claiming *it is correct* you are just kicking yourself from the front.

To quote from your blog

And, this is just the beginning - Now, two of India's top magazines cant be wrong right?..

At one place you are ranked at 9th and at other place you are ranked at 27th. And you are happy about it. Seriously man, it has been a long time since I saw some douchebag.

rmshark should be thanked that he didnt provide glimpses of VIT students. And I dont want to create another controversy by claiming that VITians are bad. Some of VITians , whom I interacted with, were very good. Only management quota guys create beeps.

mastqalandar said...

To Raju who's not a gentleman!
we never started this blog.... its ur small ego which keeps pumpin in every now and then.... If India today thinks we're 10 on the total and if outlook thinks we're 27 total..... accept whatever u like...

however it irks you see the rise of these private instis "unholy nexus" is what the author of the blog calls it..... actually i know what u must be goin through.... toiling hard to get into a govt. insti and before u could fill out the lungs with 'pride'....u got to realize that u're sitting amidst a swarm (50%) people who're there scoring a 33% on a test where u were a 99!!!!! hahahahah....such a waste of effort!

even if my college gives out mgmt seats (definately less than 50%)..... the cash improves the college infrastructure and since the exams are the same for all, the mgmt guy if he's too weak is filtered out! unfortunately i dont think thats the case with ur side of the line.....

So enjoy! writing 'arbit' blog posts and giving vague comments won't satisfy ur ego!
keep it up.....

p.s. raju....refer to my previous post on the roll!

Anonymous said...

Interesting post, excellent comments....people should understand the depth of quality in eduation system. Even though.... they(vit) are mentioning top 10th in india through media, shame on vit. One should enlighten this kind of things. Keep it up...gud work buddy.

Ydntn said...

I made it very clear in my blog that i really dont debate on the correctness of data - Its there right in the open and i am sure they have made a better research than you...
And you really cant compare complete rankings just by looking at the points because IIIT/NIT/IIT have lots of resources, courtesy government... Alumnus...a Name.. and most importantly they were established long time back....
This is not the case here...
And believe me, i am definitely happy about its rank considering how much its improved ....
Its just that you are not able to digest the fact that such institutes are also making it big when you assumed that only the IIITs can come after the NITs/IITs
I am not denying the fact that IIIT is still better than VIT as of today... BUT... VIT is catching up at a very rapid pace, which you must have known by now even after all this debate....

Anonymous said...

beh*n ke lo**n band karo apni bakwass..
bahut ho iit/iiit/vit/nit/teri m** kiiii....
g**n* marao shark aur saare comments karne vale..

cheap stunt for more hits.

Anonymous said...

Shut up shark. and concentrate on ur dual degree MSR.
otherwise i ll make sure u dont get any other job other than writing this fuc**ng blog.

Anonymous said...

There have been some very interesting comments on this post. But, sadly some people trust their slang more than their head to fight out their case. I don't have any first hand experience of VIT, so I will not be trying to judge it. But, I believe that some people who have said that VIT is serving the average guy looking for an assured placement is correct. India Today and Outlook keep blasting away their reputation by such unexplainable rankings, nothing new for them. The infrastructure looks good and one doesn't even expect the complete faculty to be of high standard. I just hope that Shark removes the abusive comments, so that one an refer this blog to more people. And you must mot be minding the heat Shark, are you? Bloggers try hard to achieve this popularity. but only don't let the heat oversee the quality of your blog.

Anonymous said...

hi shark...well well..u pressed the wrong vein of vitians...m not frm vit...m aslo not frm iiith...but i have frens from both colleges...so i know the pros and cons of both the colleges...my vit frens told me several stuff abt vit...tht it has a sprawling campus..awesome facilities in all terms...whether in terms of infra or any academic facilties...iiith is also a superb college..so whts the point of this tussle?...better to concentrate on ur studies.....thn only u can acheive sumthng in ur life....and plz do respect the sentiments of vitians......

Anonymous said...

After reading the whole thing..
I, a student of VIT-Mechanical 1st yr. is highly satisfied that um heading 4 a good rather an excellent Institue..

in my life i have seen that private parties provide good facilities than the government ones. Whether u take an example of Airlines or even High Schools..

Regarding ur India Today rankings..
Rankings may change every year. does it really matter??
n even if sumthin is wrong in their rankings it might b just an inch wrong..
Maybe it may slide to 20th place or otherway.

Regarding Watchmen..(i met some of them during my councelling)
The watchmen there were extremely polite to me and my father..
They were the ones speaking hindi v fluently.probalby because they might be Ex-Servicemen..
well u have commented about their behaviour... who knows wat was ur attitude towards them..

And 1 general thing my friend..
U were standing in a college where u are not at all required(dont take it the other way). U are a student of IIIT-H and ur no relative has by the time confirmed his/her admission, so y will they show a keen interest on u and give u a vip treatment as u expect???

Well if u think that these issues are to be well considered.. dont ever visit any of government hospitals ,banks or even Colleges. U will have to write many blogs 4 datt..

Anonymous said...

I am too an Ex-Vitian.
And I completely agree with Shark's Views. On the Contrary I think his views are rather an understatement.
I don't know why the hell the current VITians boast about the MS, Yahoo, Google thingy. You think these companies coming to our college makes it great. Please consider some valid factors like quality of faculty, research input and output. These are the major criteria. Any person worth his/her salt from a 3rd Grade engg college can get excellent placements. Also to those ignorant VITians , IIIT Hyd is an excellent insti for CS, has India's(and even among World's) best NLP, Image Processing, Robotics research track. See the amount of publications they generate/yr you will know. Sorry to say, the research criteria is sorely missing in VIT.

For more info see this forum


Anonymous said...

Wow! VIT is the No.1 Private University of India and 10th best in India!!!

How could a BITSian not comment about this?

1)Beauty eh ? Just help yourself with a Virtual Tour of our Goa and Pilani campuses at www.bits360.com

2)Well yeah , the BITS is costlier than most Govt. Colls. But BITS doesn't have a fee for every exam you give , every lab you go to.What about that?

BITS doesn't earn extra money through Management Quota seats.In fact we are quite self sufficient , thanks to our distance education programs , custom-made Industry training programs(Yeah , we train employees of Yahoo , WIPRO , TEXMACO , Mayatas etc) and consultancy.

Plz do visit www.bits360.com

Anonymous said...

Hi People,
I am a VIT passout and am presently doing an MBA, the name of the college I shall not name for the sake of anonymity. The comments that Shark has made about VIT are not entirely false. I agree to the fact that VIT does not have the best faculty and the infrastructure is more beautiful on the outside but the content inside sucks. Just one point:
Considering the situation today, it is more important to have a good brand. I know based on conventional beliefs most would say education is more important, but according to me placements are far more important.
The strategy that VIT is following is good and I think it will work out properly for them, it is one of building a brand. Look at how many people know and aspire to get into VIT now as compared to 2 years back when I had passed out. Building industry contacts is the way to go.
And I know 1000+students into TCS is crap and it is actually a disgrace to the college, but do remember it is 1000+ job offers made and not job offers accepted.
The point is not where the college is now but look at the pace at which it's growing.Thats mindblowing....

Anonymous said...

VIT appears to be a factory churning out "Engineers" for employment in the IT industry at 2-3 lakh p.a. package.
If assurance of employment is the reason to join VIT, it says a lot about the aspirations of the ppl joining the intt. Surely, an inst. ranked '10th' on all India basis, and the "Best Pvt. Instt." can do better?????
I got a rank of 750 in VITEEE without really trying and did not find any reason to even go for counselling. BTW I had visited the Campus earlier, and appearing for VITEE was only a lark.
I got AIR 900 in AIEEE. I would have got CS easily at IIIT-H, but decided to join BITS Pilani(CS/EEE).
BTW, I believe IIIT-H is not a govt. instt.

Anonymous said...

Interesting piece. I graduated from CS dept of VIT when it had just started to expand, when it had just become an University. At that time we had one PhD in the dept. This was a hotshot HoD but he was mostly not there. There were some senior profs who called the shots. Despite that we had some rather good lecturers. These were people who were good at what they taught. True, they did not have PhDs.

This brings me to my point. Measuring the teaching expertise by the number of PhD holders alone might not be sufficient. It could actually be misleading. Its not long before universities start churning out PhDs.

The second issue is related to the current state of affairs. The PAT told that on an average the package for an engineering grad is 3L. Think of what a prof @ VIT earns. SW/IT being such a hot field, how many people would be ready to teach in a college? In fact in my college days I felt (a misconception to some extent) that only those who did not manage to get a job end up as a prof.

For example, would you be ready to join the faculty of VIT after you graduate from IIIT? Or for that matter would you think of a career in teaching?

My view is for CS courses in any place, it is important to have the resources - libraries,laboratories, publications, Industry interaction. If these factors exist in satisfactory measure then a keen mind can make use of it effectively. Ofcourse good faculty would be an added advantage!

Anonymous said...



Odyssey said...

I was a student of the Skool of Electrical Sciences at VIT. I'm now a grad student at UC Berkeley...
Regarding the aforementioned criticism, here is wot i have to say...

We have quote-unquote the best
faculty too....

Have u heard of Kunthala Jayaraman (PhD from Stanford) and the world's best biotechnologist?? She s at VIT...

Prof.BVA Rao who s world renowned for Mechanical Vibrations, is the director of international relations at VIT...

Prof.JP Raina, who was with IITM for over 30 years is at VIT and the man behind establishing Nanofab at VIT.... We are the FIRST IN INDIA TO HAVE A DEVICE FAB in the University...Now wen would that happen at IITH..After 100 years?? I'm not quite sure if whether it would happen even then....

Prof.Somenath Chatterjee 4m TAMU...

Prof.Ray 4m ISM Dhanbad...

n the list follows....
People goto Universities in UK, US for their sabbatical leave....

Purdue university is one of the best for nano....n some of the Profs from Purdue landed in there giving lectures on their research...n they were all praising the infrastructure and the research out there......Now when they were so impressed and were very happy about wots happening at VIT, u can judge for urself abt whether this tom-dick-harry's comment from some IIIT-H is worth a take....

We have the best characterization facilities like NSOM/SEM/TEM/STM/OM/ and all possible M's..And how about IITH ??DO u have an Optical Microscope atleast??

There are Professors from very prestigious universities like Princeton,Cornell, Ohio, and working on cutting edge nano research...like quantum optics, nanolithography....

And tell me: do any of ur profs. have pubs. in Nature or Science?? But we have lotsa them.....

And how did I forget TIFAC CORE (Center of Excellence in Automotive Research) and Bioseperation (Center of Excellence)...Only very few gud universities in India have the privilege of having TIFAC Centers of Excellence.... VIT is one of them....And we have a Stanford kinda business model.....ur graduation from VIT also makes u eligible to receive university funding to set up an industry(VIT-Technology Business Incubator)...And my friend is one of them who had his fuel cell industry set up at Bangalore.....

And how did I forget the Rapid Prototyping facility....Such facility would make CAD dreams come to reality...So u have a CAD model, it is like u get a plastic mold (or a 3d printout) of the design....Mechanical dept. is one of the best in the country....

And there are lots to see in the huge campus.....15 min or 3 hours is too less to come to conclusions....

Anonymous said...

sir u r very much right these vitians r utter chutiyas how can they even think of competing with guys frm iiit-h,nit-t and nit-w cmon in these insti's u have to be among the top ranks in the AIEEE to get admission and where the faculties r class some members have served as profs. in IIT'S the director of nit-t is an example vit onlii has good infrastructure nothing less its just "ALL TALK AND NO SHOW"

Anonymous said...

"I'm now a grad student at UC Berkeley"- Good for you :)
"We have quote-unquote the best
faculty" - Oh really, the conversation in the post is suggestive of the fact ;).
"Have u heard of Kunthala Jayaraman (PhD from Stanford) and the world's best biotechnologist?? She s at VIT..." - I thought we were talking about CS .
"DO u have an Optical Microscope atleast??" - What kind of a dumb person are you? FYI, IIIT-H is CS and Electronics Insti...I fail to see the use of optical microscope in Computer Science...If you do, kindly enlighten me
"some of the Profs from Purdue landed in there giving lectures on their research " - good for you. btw, you'll find that any decent technical insti in India has qualified professors coming over for visits and lectures. So, thats nothing special.
"ur graduation from VIT also makes u eligible to receive university funding" - and you think thats something special?? Kindly find about the Business Incubation Cells in other colleges.
Baseline: Your college still needs a great deal of improvement to deserve the rank that it was offered at India Today this year....and very unfortunately, you ppl are unaware of the same ( or perhaps too narrow minded to accept this fact or perhaps too dumb to not hav realized it by now ) .

Siddartha S Verma said...

This guy is a complete kick ass guy,for the holy information of all the vox populi.
I don't know what he thinks of himself or what makes him such a big shit and idiot.

Anonymous said...

"What kind of a dumb person are you? FYI, IIIT-H is CS and Electronics Insti...I fail to see the use of optical microscope in Computer Science...If you do, kindly enlighten me: "

Have you heard of something called micro/nano-electronics?? Without an optical microscope u would n't even scratch the surface of device physics...Come on without verifying what u fabricated, u would be dreaming,dreaming and dreaming..... So here you are: optical microscopes are used for verifying and tells u whether what u fabbed is what your input schema was and whether u have the exact doping and it is also for diagnostic purposes and verification of architectures of something called THE BASIC MOSFET... And I guess MOSFETs and BJTs are the basic part of any BASIC electronics course...
I guess ppl at IIIT have no idea of what they are!!! If you have, u wouldn't have had the privilege of fabricating one!! We have a 100nm fab facility and a class 1000 clean room...

Without them u would have had the pleasure of visiting this blog..rite??And m not throwin mud at u...d like to clarify more abt this... there are other applns. where opt. microscope/STM's/AFM acts best as a verification tool and even for a computer science engineer, one finds it a useful tool for quantum cryptography and teleportation (it all boils down to polarization of light)n all....nano kinda stuff..

u mf: i m proud of myself to have graduated from VIT and that i have enrolled at Berkeley n making good contribution to the EE society..Now what do u have behind u except for writing something on ur blog that was already written!!! nothing novel!!rite??

Siddartha S Verma said...

Oh,you just passed to be a super dumb.
I am talking about this Mukherjee,not you.Now don't shout and bark.be shut.

Carol said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Am sorry Siddarta..Next time on, write the name of the recipient who s intended to get those goodies!!! m sorry!! don mind

Junaid said...

HI friend shark IIIT-H student. i am preparing for VITEEE exams 2009 and i am very much concentrating specifically on VIT, even more than state CET or aieeee. i want to go for b.tech biotech, whats ur advise on this matter pls try to email me at junaidtaj13@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

WOW ... this has been a very interesting read ..

I am a student who has just given his 12th exams .. All I want to know is whether the post on this link


is true or not , by the students who are presently studying in VIT ..

It would be a great help ..

Anonymous said...

well...imagine...they're adding 600 new seats this year...

kev-the-blog said...

viteee is the greatest fraud entrance test of all time. i wrote VITEEE this year and i was sure of getting High marks.but got 34000!!!
another friend of mine who cracked AIEEE got 25k Never ever write this 'Witty' i dont know purpose behind taking back the question papers??

Nawaz... said...


ran outta steam huh?? lottsa peeps waiting for your replies..

EzEkiEL said...

i am totally with u...VIT is da greaTEST fraud..its da WORST thing dat can ever happen to a student!!
da faculty is da MOST NON-COOPEATIVE compared to rest..screw da infrastructure..wats its use?..dey dont even provide wi-fi here..faculty has problems in communicating!! and how arrogant dey are!!.. proud bastards..proud losers!! i am warning u guys who read dis..DONT COME TO VIT n persuade ur acquaintences to do so..i kno,becoz i am a student of VIT

Rituraj said...

I am a student at VIT and i am afraid all that has been said here is only the tip of the iceberg. VITU is much more pathetic than is perceivable in a first impression.

Chaitanya said...

I feel you already had a pre-existing notion about the college.

What are you looking for in a degree?

Honestly i could care less about the arrogance of lecturers or any such minute details, all i care is the degree should be recognised and the college should also be.

Weighing all the pros and cons, an average student may it be through Management Quota,NRI Quota or Merit does indeed have a decent chance of getting placed.

If you had elaborated the pros also as minutely you did the cons, this article would be such a help to anyone and everyone who is interested in knowing about VIT.

Anonymous said...

all negative commnets true ......

augustin said...

A post from a VIT guy:


Now some one is lying :)

Btw ROFL on India Today.

Sachin said...

Looks like you've done a whole lot of research on this stuff and I agree with all that you've written as I am a VITian and also a victim its defective system. I wish your blog could help us in some way...

Anonymous said...

i am highy grateful to saw such
wonderful comments so i truly with all the comments which have been posted vit university comes first in the list of losers

Unknown said...

talking of vit, damn good in facilities and campus bt gives its better view and shows its real colours when we reach the acedamic scenario in vit .......
though i m from bt truth has to be truth...........?????

AndyMation™ said...

So true man, ur shit. Being a student at vit myself, i actually experience the stuff ur sayin. Still, trust me, yu jus seen the icing. The cake is a whole lot stinkier.

Chits said...

Hello dude!!!
I am a student of IIT B,B.tech MEMS...
i hav seen VIT... also universed
IIT H... dude,i am scholarship holder from IISc and TIFR... u cant guess in ur dreams,dat guys from CSE brnch gettin projects there...not 1 or 2 but many. this shows the power of there recommndation letters(good prof)...
About the ranking it is not totally based on d prof... just dont forget u bubbled up by a healthy environment around u... not only by ur parents coddles...
There is no fake... dnt point out as a responsible youth...coz INDIA TODAY is an esteemed magazine that exposes india to the world!!!
plz dude!!!IIT B laggin behind D...but we nver pointd out... did we??

Black Loraine said...

Look here...this blogger has got an extremely ill formed opinion...An institute is judged by the no. of publicatons, placements and quality of students. In all three departments, VIT is really good...Check the website for that. As far as Management quota goes, if they take money from rich and buy equipments and books for library with it for deserving students, I dont see any problem with it... I am a Final yr B Tech (Biotech) student and did projects at other esteemed inst like IISc and NIMHANS...Believe me, the facilities are much better at VIT..they are just waiting for the right students to come and utilize them..Try giving the entrance test and get a rank..Then maybe it can be talked at an even level.

Black Loraine said...

PLus this guy AndyMation...Whats wrong with you dude ? ? Have you stepped out of your room, checked the notice boards...? How many activities go on daily basis..? I am ex Secretary of biggest Student Chapter at VIT, and I know not a single Audi or Hall remains free due to some or the other Extra Corricular activity...And the Music club rocks...won all prizes, including ones at Manipal and CMC..they coming up with their own album..this is the "Apart from studies" funda of VIT...
@Praneet: Have you ever written even a research peoposal that you are talking about academics ? Just go in some lab and ask people what they are working on, you will geta good idea...

@Rituraj: Tip of iceberg ???? I have personally observed research on Nanoparticle Drug Delivery systems in Animal Biotech Lab, R No 303 SMV... Wound Healing properties using protocols developed by students themselves...Same lab...Bioethanol Reactor, developed by students, R no. 324, Bioprocess lab, SMV...I can list more...The student needs to be good for using the facilities ! Got the point ????

And this year-old-post on BITS 360 is nonsense..everything can br viewed in good and bad ways. Its up to you what to make of opportunities that come ur way.

Anonymous said...

Look a lot of what you said maybe true. But nothing and noone is perfect. So your IIIT or wherever it is you study or do research or whatever is not perfect either. VIT may not have the best staff in the world, but i don't think you do either. Anyway, as usual publicity for a college leads to 2 things. Either it is hyped to the ends of the Earth, or it is pushed far and deep below the surface and you never hear about it again. They may fleece you, but at least you can see where the money is going apparently. By your own acknowlegement the infrastructure there is amazing. Now I have had bad experiences with staff, even at an IIT. Mocking a university is pretty juvenile, however quote dignified end quote it maybe. If you wanted publicity, put up some nudes, or headlines and blog titles like MJ still alive, or I'm gay in India and proud of it. You'll get your hits. I'm sure your college is great and all, but as is seen from the responses you've got, people in VIT think their college is pretty good as well. Its a matter of opinion. And i don't think first impressions do an opinion form

Anonymous said...

Dear All,VIT is certainly a good choice for an aspiring engineer. To become an engineer you will certainly need good laboratories, good libraries and reasonably good faculty. I think VIT has all these. I have visted many government and private engineering colleges but they are all no way near to VIT. VIT ceratinly stands ahead of many. However IITs and few NITs are better than VIT because of stringent selection criteria and advantage of government funding. Let us look at the things rationally and come to conclusion. Everywhere some good and some bad will be there but what matters is overall judgement. VIT is a very good choice and most importatntly it is grwoing, not stagnated. Let us wish more sucess to VIT as this can force other universities to improve their standards.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everybody!
I am a 2009 pass out from Comp Sc. & Engg.@VIT.
Right now I have job offers from General Electric, Cisco Systems & TCS, even before I get my B.Tech. degree.
How many colleges in India can u think of, which provide similar prospects in these tough times.And if VIT has done that to so many students like me why should anybody find it difficult to digest the fact that VIT is really an excellent institution for engineering and deserves the rank it got.
Just having a 'sarkaari' tag infront of ur alma mater wont do any good anymore folks, cause being a VITian, we know our mettle.

Black Loraine said...

Congrats to my senior ! !
Actions do speak louder than words !

Anonymous said...

VIT= few meritorious + many people's only option for engineering + ameer baap ki auladen

many who are doing well from VIT are in the 1st group.

Unknown said...

wow ..........very interesting blog ! Thank you guys ...i am with VIT for the last 3 years ... i got lots of insight for my VIT case for IIM !!

Krishna Kumar
MBA , MSc (Nottingham ),
Asst Prof (Sr)
VIT University

Anonymous said...

hi thanks i wont be givin vit next year for sure i mean i had no plans either!!!

n if u think in these tough time who can get u such a job
i no a person not yet outta college but has a job of 22 lakhs pa ready in the US he is in IITD
so think before u rite

Black Loraine said...

Lol... thank god VIT was spared a student like you...Try not to boast about others achievements before you get your own... All the best for competitive exams, focus on that as of now, kid..

Anonymous said...

agree with the last comment. Get yourself a college first dude. Counting other ppl's cash wont help you. If you have balls, earn it yourself!

Anonymous said...

This is shocking. I've made my mind. Though I'm giving VITEEE this year but I've no planning to go there any-how. Till now, I thought only Manipal is worst amongst list of redeemed universities.. but it's enthralling to know about VIT.

God we pray for Golden Peace

Anonymous said...

Its amusing too see ydumb kids who are yet to enter college talk about universities which they havent even seen. My dear idiot Ankur, we are pleased to know you that an ignorant guy who thinks VIT is a "redeemed" U, wont spoil the ranks of VIT...And please spare us the judgement.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

shark ch****a f**k off u people of iiit just go to entrance tuition centres work as teachers and used to listen fucking abuses from students that's Ur life .we vit-ians go into corporate world not like u f**k**g idiot

sAswata said...

Actually you are correct on all counts but one, there are a few gifted people studying, and teaching here at vit. A few, but that makes all the difference. I guess you just didn't meet the right people.

Lucky Murari said...

This is coming from a totally unrelated person.

I am a BITS-pilani graduate.In saying so, I have visited IIIT-Hyd campus many a times and I know how it is.And I heard of VIT(from all students, faculty, haters and lovers) and know more than anyone who has visited it in one day can boast of.

First off, my college itself hasn't adopted INdia Today rankings for 5 or 6 years due to their biased ranking scheme. Still, I say the tone of this post is appalling.

You have no right to claim an institute as a bad one with just one day of visit and few questions throw on uninterested folks. Every college/school (even ISB) will have the bad faculty and VIT is no exception. No1 would entertain a student questioning a faculty member during counselling. Its the counselling of students, not of parents or faculty.
Bashing someone/something without having proper research is worse than ranking some undeserving candidate as number 1. And, you have done the very wrong job. Criticizing requires more of research and just a stay of 1 chaotic day doesn't prove u right at all. I would say, just do some research before making bland remarks. I think I need not tell what a research is to a research student.

Anonymous said...

hey all,went through the posts.
vit is good,but not the best.
iiit-h is a over hyped institute,with the recent canceling of 3000 seats ,wat r u supposed to think abt iiit-h??

bits pilani,my brother studies there,and he got a job of 6 lk pa as startin salary before graduating.

one of my frnd,who is 6 yrs elder to me is currently in IIM-A...he did his CS from IIT-C..n guess wat ,he was offered a salary of 13 lakh pa as strtin salary by infosys.no he will earn in crores.

i would love to go to vit,but only as my last option.people prefer iit,bits,nits,iiits...before joining private colleges cuz govt colleges ki baat hi kuch aur hai.

VITians would of course support their college ,no doubt abt it,but open up..vit is not the best.there are strange rumors abt it...finding 300 condoms while digging up a site!!!...outrageous boldness,drugs,etc..etc...some 250 abortions...dude..who will join a coll like this..unless u clear its name.I am in BITS-pilani hyd campus...

NOT TO B VITAN said...

Mr.Shark .. many thanks for enlightening us..the fury of the vitans above,only reinforces your observation....me and my frnds have come across this article just in time...i cant thank you enough..uve changed my career...a genuine thank you..

Anonymous said...

Sharkman rules!!

I just loved the way u bluntly expressed ur opinions about VIT...a pat on the back for tht...

The greatest achievment of all....YOU'VE MANAGED TO START A REVOLUTION!!! I got a great rank in VITEEE this year...but I'm not goin there....lets show these idiots tht u dont need 1000 TCS placements to do sumthn in lyf...

it seems like u managed to anger almost the whole of VIT!!! dont these jobless fools have any other way of timepass??? grow up idiots!!!

whtever happens shark, uv definitely managed to get urself a big fan...
Thnx for opening my eyes.... I wont be goin for the counselling....

Smooth Criminal said...

Sharkman rules!!

I just loved the way u bluntly expressed ur opinions about VIT...a pat on the back for tht...

The greatest achievment of all....YOU'VE MANAGED TO START A REVOLUTION!!! I got a great rank in VITEEE this year...but I'm not goin there....lets show these idiots tht u dont need 1000 TCS placements to do sumthn in lyf...

it seems like u managed to anger almost the whole of VIT!!! dont these jobless fools have any other way of timepass??? grow up idiots!!!

whtever happens shark, uv definitely managed to get urself a big fan...
Thnx for opening my eyes.... I wont be goin for the counselling....

roshan said...

thanks bro for bringing out the truth of VIT. of late, i have realized that i did a good job by not joining VIT. currently i am doing engineering from a premier institute of bangalore. VIT is good only at numbers, but ofcourse not in quality.
students of VIT said 1100 recuitment by TCS is an excellent job. but i would like to put it like this, in an institute that has more than 3000 students, 1100 is not a great figure.
TOI doesn't see some really great colleges in cities like bangalore, mumbai etc.
RVCE,bangalore is far far better than VIT. here more than 100 companies come every year.it represented india in lokheed martin international competition, which VIT people never heared of. companies like CISCO(16), MICROSOFT(10+) hires in bulk. against 1 in VIT.
leave RVCE, students of DSCE, which ranks lesser than RVCE in bangalore got 7 offers from microsoft alone.
in these colleges students don't feel happy when they get placed in companies like TCS, INFOSYS. i would rather say that they don't like to sit for these companies.
a college, where student strength is 580 and 275 students are hired by infosys is at par or better than VIT. this is what u can see in TOP bangalore colleges.
frankly saying MANIPAL is better than VIT. it is a more transparent institute than VIT.
a friend of mine who took admission in VIT later regretted for taking admission in VIT. he told me that he could have got a good college in bangalore with CET rank.
so people please speak the truth. and it is waste augmenting your 1100 frigure of TCS. there are far more better companies than TCS.
it includes mathworks, CISCO, EMC2,DE shaw, schlumberger,SONY, FREESCALE, NI, TI,newton issac, kritikal solutions, samsung RnD,NOKIA, ORACLE etc.

Unknown said...

2 days back a really good friend of mine went to vellore and got himself enrolled in VIT thru management quota...
he got a rank>1 lakh!!! (viteee)

i mean if this is the kinda ppl an institute will be takin...god help them

1 gentlemen said that VIT is for the medium guys, n it is one of the institutions havin such a high intake which is actually beneficial for indian development(as nehru had hoped when he created IIT's)...but really if such cant get selected on basis of viteee,is gettin thru mangment quaota correct??
shouldn't they not go for some other stream/course??!!
wouldn't guys like these actually HARM India's development in the long run!(in the field of engg n tech)

basically our system is flawed...there's no doubt about that...we just have to circumvent it and achieve success...whichever way!

PS:aieee 2010 results aren't even out yet..!

Anonymous said...

VIT is in engineering what IIPM is in management.Totally fake.These institutes try to mislead students by their foreign relation.But the truth is that VIT has been given 3 years by INDIAN government to increase its quality and transparency otherwise its deemed status will be cancelled.

Anonymous said...

Lol, the above comment is soooo idiotic....VIT is not deeemed, its a full university...you are so freggin dumb ya...its funny to have these comments once in a while ! Buzz off, you just made a complete fool of yourself...And a small suggestion, get some coaching classes in English before you start commenting on blogs :P

Anonymous said...

hey its all in the hierarchy level,as its all in the blood of education system.every analysis comes from history.so u can easily compare india and other countries.academics and research is just not a cup of tea .being a third world country india is struggling to get its path along well established countries, and all its people makes it more complicated.dude people likes to criticise , but all really are hippocrits. iiit criticising vit or any other private col. oxford and harvard criticing iits .iit criticing nits and iiits . so its a chain process. but no one understands that our country is getting into a transition stage where a transformation is occuring from illiterates to literates . don' forget that independence of india came into times when other first world countries had it all.loop holes in our education system is existing but it will be rectified in future.everyone is doing the best they can. who knows even colleges and universities in the first world countries were brought up through fundings from the godfathers.

tera BAAP said...

teri behen ki choot saale shark...chutiye kuch bhi likh rha hai..."lick my dick u sucker"....

Aveek Dutta said...

VIT is good......but simply not the best. It is a fool's business to compare VIT with IITs, NITs or IIITs. Not to allow an outsider to interrogate about the departments, is in every institute, my dear friend. My cousin is in NIT- Durgapur where we had to stand outside in the guest's area and my cousin had to come down to meet us. And also there's a little of that money nexus in VIT....it being a private institute....not like IITs or NITs or IIITs which are heavily funded by the Government. Anyways I like Shark's post.
P.S : I appeared for IIT-JEE AIEEE and will be appearing for WBJEE- 2011 this year. So may be I'm not the right person to comment on Shark's post. I ask for forgiveness in advance. Have a nice day :-)

Anonymous said...

Every college is not just about mown lawns, placements, books and research buddy. It's about an exchange of culture, a bubbling soceity that so vividly is seen in VIT. The myriad foreigners studying here with us have brewn a wonderful cosmopolitan culture

i think in vit its only exchange of culture, a bubbling soceity

rajaseakar said...

ewww!!ugly you ...go eat some grass !!your opinion is fucking fake!! you dont have rights to publish bad things abt a famous institution ..if you hate what is happening plss just get rid of this ...why worrying abt our collage students !!

Anonymous said...

A very good post. I am currently in 2nd year CSE and I totally agree with you. I wish I was never in this place. The security is terrible. They are pathetic people who are killing us day by day, these teachers who are not at all educated. Thank you for getting out the truth. God bless!

Muthubalan said...

Hello Everyone,
A very mixed feeling about VIT. I am planning to apply for a faculty position in VIT in ECE department(SENSE). But after reading this blog I have mixed feelings. I am BE from Anna Univ(CEG, Guindy), MS and PhD from Auburn Univ, USA. Worked in IBM Semiconductor research and development center for 4 years and now in Global Foundries, Singapore. Now I am with a mixed feeling and want some people to get me into a confident feeling whether to get into VIT or not. I am very interested in doing research on nanotechnology.. Other possible research interest are RF/Analog Circuits, Device Modeling. Can someone give me a brief overview on teaching loads on faculties, reasearch option in VIT, Do faculty have enough time to concentrate on research? About housing/other facilities for faculties...

Sohail said...

Its clear that the author(Shark lol) is a guy who somehow managed to get a decent rank in aieee to get into IIT Hyderabad(which by the way is no match for top iits n bits pilani as you can see from there cutoff list itself). The guy obviously despite being 4m a decent institution has GOT NOWHERE IN LIFE till now n thus goes about boasting about being in a good college to everyone. Then his pathetic brain realises that boasting in real life is not enough so he starts his own blog(only thing he learned in 4 yrs).

I'm mechanical passout 4m iit bombay n a keen follower of develpment of educational institutions in india n research scope. GUYS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN VIT I HAVE SPENT 3 DAYS ON CAMPUS WITH MY YOUNGER BROTHER WHO WILL TAKE ADMISSION THERE. THIS IS MY PERSONAL UNDERSTANDING OF IT:


Naman said...

I am so sorry for joking this party late..anyway I am a third year in VIT..I have seen the bad of this place and the good...and like people say there are two sides to a story..I have had chutiye faculty.. I have had awesome faculty..and as far as placement goes..4 of my friends got placed in flipkart with a offer of 12.5 lacs per annum..If that is not a decent pay after your undergraduate.. I don't know what is..we had Facebook this year with an offer of 30+lacs..so yeah I think if VIT was sucky institute.. we wouldn't get such awesome offers.. and as for your blog.its heavily biased and highlights the negativity of a place..and as we all know the world is full of negatives and positives ..trick is finding happiness between them..so Mr Shark grow a pair and open your mind and try to understand that this not an ideal world..there are negatives everywhere.. I am sure your awesome IIT-H..has some negatives.. and if it doesn't.. I got four words for you:STOP FUCKEN LYING:)

Naman said...

Oh and did I mention the people who got the 12.5 lacs offer was from Management Quota...just something to think about if you still of the opinion that we have a horrible faculty...
Please do reply..I am commenting a bit late..but if you are still of this opinion that this college sucks..I am sure that we could have an interesting debate..and I obviously won't bust your balls.. much at least..:)

Anonymous said...

The college is still the same? :O

Education diary said...

For admission in VIT, Vellore under management quota in desired and top branch Contact : 09176543311.

Anonymous said...

Is blog ka malik madar chod hai
ja apni ma ke batle chok aur 69 position me uske sathaja le