Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Kindness of others

At times it is very easy to be ignorant of the all those selfless people who keep our society ticking. I think the biggest hidden heroes our society has, are people who work in life sciences and specifically those who are immunologists, virologists and microbiologists and the kind. I have a particularly dear friend who is a microbiologist. Her name is Deepti and everyday she makes her way to her medical college lab and transforms from a pretty young lady to the scientist in a bio-hazard suit(Yeah!! that's her a few days ago. I think she kind of looks like Storm Shadow). She works on testing live swine flu patients. Most of us would run away at the mere mention of swine flu. But she puts on her bio-hazard suit and gets into the lab to work with live samples of the swine flu virus for the whole day, everyday. There are obviously risks and there are instances when technicians have contracted diseases they were working on testing. People have contracted swine flu in this manner and have died. To put all that fear aside and work with the H1N1 virus, so that others may live, is truly courageous. I wonder what motivates her to take such a risk. Surely it is not worth the measly stipend she is offered. It's not personal either, as she helps in the treatment of people who she will never meet, and who will never even know her work. It takes a particular bend of mind - a truly humanitarian mind to drive oneself to be able to do something like this.

I write this because I feel that somebody should know her contribution. That society should look for heroes, beyond the surface of our social fabric and appreciate the contributions of Deepti and her colleagues who, from behind those masks deliver us from disease and death. It is time we started to acknowledge the Kindness of others.


Unknown said...

she is doing gr8 work

and yeah, that suit looks awesome. and its a bio hazard suit! Like in Half Life!

@nks said...


dude!! ... the first thing that came to my mind after seeing the suit was half life too.

Anonymous said...

same here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for highlighting some great work. Suggestion: put together a website for her lab/team and let the world know.....

kiran deepti said...

correction- no stipend is being offered in any way. it is purely voluntary as evry1 had backed out. Deepti loves 2 wrk on respiratory infections n viruses r exceptionally challenging... thats all..:)

kiran deepti said...

by the way.. thanx a lot reeshabh...:)

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