Friday, March 03, 2006

How the half-truth can make everybody look dumb

Today i had one of the parliament members coming up to me and telling me that the director was pretty upset with the parliament and i was largely to blame for that because of some of my comments in a previous FSIS. Now for those of you who didn't attend the FSIS on 23rd or 24th feb (i.e. everybody in IIIT :D and i don't remember the exact date) here's what went down.

The director was cricizing the parliment members for not being active enough. Pranav defended the parliament members and somewhere down the line the issue of the elections came up. I then asked the director why the elections were cancelled in the first place. Dr.Sangal was rather surpised to know that the students weren't informed. The reason he gave us was that the then SLC charperson(Dr.Jayanthi) felt that the election was very regional in nature and some students were "coerced" into giving votes according to their wishes. I don't know how true this is. The point that i raised was that if the election results were cancelled that means that the faculty belives that some of the candidates were involved in some sort of wrong-doing. If that is the case then why were those people who, in the eyes of the faculty were involved in malpractices allowed to be in the parliament, given how strict the faculty is in dealing with "dishonesty". This is a glaring contradiction. On the other hand if the faculty is of the view that the candidates did nothing wrong then why were the elections cancelled in the first place. This is again a very contradicting situation. Either way their was a improper descision on the part of the facluty and the worst part of this was that all the students were kept in the dark about all this which is again very surprising on the part of the faculty. Even some of the candidates present there said that they also knew nothing about this situation.

After listening to all this Dr.Sangal said quote " Well we are very sorry about this situation and sorry that the students were not told about this " unquote.

Now anybody who has a different version of events can personally come and tell me his/her version. I'm pretty sure about what was said and i'm also sure that there is no other true version. This comes up because it seems some other people gave some parliament members a different version of events. That is pretty unfortunate given how crystal clear this part of the FSIS was.
And to the parliament members........I just don't see how i have incriminated you in any way. This was clearly something related to the vague descision making of the faculty. You or your credentials or your integrity or commitment were in no way questioned anywhere. If anything I was making a point that you people should have made for yourselves last year after the descision to cancel the elections was taken. I am really disappointed with the situation and hope for more positive and responsible reactions from people in ther future.

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